Lyndon H. LaRouche
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A New Dark Age Is Now Near:
Today’s Brutish Imperialism

by Lyndon H. LaRouche, Jr.

Printable version / Version imprimable

The following report may come to be considered by some among the world’s leading circles of today, as the most important political document you have read, or might have read, during your lifetime to date. Certainly, the strategic issues presented here provide what would have been heretofore the most important subject in the
world’s historical experience of modern European civilization.

You stand here and now, in this moment of world history, between the hope of Heaven and prospect of Hell, such as you have never even dreamed before. However matters of that sort, with which we deal in this report, are to be seen, it were suitable that there be no harsh battle-cries, but that what must be said, is said in those quiet tones of deadly earnest used by the commanders of the troops on the early morning of the day the greatest war was to begin. It is not the wild passions of the drunken mob, but the chillingly quiet cadences with which the cavalry man steadies his mount, and commanders calm their charges at times when the unthinkable is, at last, finally, actually to begin.

Therefore, as I have just promised you that I would, I speak calmly of things which men should remember in the aftermath of the great battle now coming on. Read these words calmly, that you might read them with an [To continue...This article is in PDF format]