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Sections of Assembly of First Nations and Idle No More Movement Being Played By Monarchy

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(CRC)—Yesterday Huffington Post Canada attempted to answer what is on the mind of many Canadians in the present First Nations’ Idle No More protests across Canada in their post entitled: “Governor General and First Nations: Why The Crowns’ Presence Was So In Demand

That explanation of why the insistence on the presence of the Queens’ representative in their scheduled meeting with PM Harper is a cover story. The real story appeared in 1994 in the Executive Intelligence Review’s Special Report: The true story behind the fall of the House of Windsor ,which exposed the inner workings of the oligarchical principle at work in the creation and control of both the international environmentalist movement and the indigenous peoples movement by H.R.H. Prince Philip and his Club of the Isles in order to implement a worldwide resource grab and a genocidal depopulation policy.

Part of that control apparatus was the creation of the Survival International and its offshoot Cultural Survival whose Board Member Chief Edward John of the British Columbia Ti’azt’en Nation was recently elected North American Representative to the United Nations Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues.

While the Assembly of First Nations (AFN) rightfully demands that the Canadian Parliament must eventually abrogate the infamous Indian Act and consult with them when Parliament enacts legislation that would affect existing treaties with First Nations, the truth of the matter remains that a section of the AFN are being played by the very monarchical forces whose real agenda is to stop science and technology in order to eventually reduce the world’s population from the present 7 billion down to 1 or 2 billion!

The only path of continued survival and progress for Canada’s First Nations is for the Canadian Parliament to enact a Glass-Steagall legislation and make available the much needed large amounts of public productive credit to finance the necessary improvements in the lives of First Nations peoples and especially large infrastructure projects such as the North American Water and Power Alliance (NAWAPA) that would benefit all the peoples of Canada including those who live North of 60. [GG]