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Russian Gen. Gerasimov details the course of war through Colour revolutions, with Ukraine as an example.

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(EIRNS)—These are the summary notes by CSIS’s Anthony Cordesman on the presentation of General Valery Gerasimov, the Russian Chief of Staff, to the Third Moscow Conference on International Security, on May 23. Even though Cordesman was taking his notes on the English translation he was hearing of Gerasimov’s remarks, they give a more refined picture of the Russian doctrine than we have communicated thus far:

* The break up of the FSU has led the US to act as if it were the only superpower, and for its own ends using a mix of force and sanctions using its NATO allies.

* The US military interventions in Iraq in 1991, in Yugoslavia in 1999, in Afghanistan, and then again in Iraq in 2003 used pretexts to allow aggression that violated international norms and law.

* Colour revolutions have led to civil wars and threats to civil populations that only make things worse, and leave major parts of the state under militant control [which] become training areas for terrorists.

* Afghanistan has seen more than 10 years of war, and a 30-fold increase in drug production. There has been no concern for the civil population; drones have killed some 2,500 in Afghanistan, Pakistan, and Yemen. Create revolutions so [as to be able to] use military forces.

* Crisis in Libya, Egypt, Sudan, Somalia, Yemen, Georgia, Ukraine. Tensions in many other areas like Algeria and Mauritania.

* Use transfers of arms, SOF (special operations forces), mercenaries, and foreign fighters.

* Claim to protect civilians and deal with WMD, but use to change regimes and force support of the US and NATO.

* Syria sees influx of foreign troops, US double standards. Use of SOF and weapons supplies, threat of military operations like cruise missiles, and constant use of information warfare.

* The adaptive approach to Colour Revolutions allows the US and Europe to fight low cost wars at the expense of local populations.

* Libya is a warning of the costs: terrorism, migration, fragmentation, suffering, spread of [MANPADs] to Mali, Tunisia, etc. Then [they] left Libyans to themselves without assuming any responsibility for order.

* Russia favours collective action to bring stability and unity.

* Ukraine is another case in point:
* Pressed to change the regime;
* Overturned the legitimate power;
* Suppress protests;
* Operations by private military groups;
* Use anti-government demonstrations;
* Army used against the people;
* Makes legitimate economic development impossible;
* Increasing use of force;
* Threaten European security;
* NATO build-up in Baltic, Poland, areas near Russia;
* Sanctions end European and Russian cooperation;
* Entire region sees growth in mercenaries, terrorism, extremism, transnational crime;

All in the guise of a Colour Revolution;