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Your Life in the Galaxy—Cosmoclimatology & Galactic Water Update

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Image of the Earth to scale with the filament eruption. Note: the Earth is not this close to the sun, this image is for scale purposes only. Photo: NASA Goddard

The initial pioneers of the field of "cosmoclimatology," Henrik Svensmark and Nir Shaviv, have published a new paper demonstrating the near-realtime response of the Earth’s cloud and atmospheric water system to rapid changes in the flux of galactic cosmic rays reaching the Earth ("The response of clouds and aerosols to cosmic ray decreases," Aug. 19, 2016). Though not explicitly stated by the authors, this study also contributes to our insights into a galactic perspective on controlling the Earth’s water cycle and ending droughts.

"End Droughts with Weather Control: Interview with Prof. Pulinets."

Much of the evidence indicating galactic cosmic radiation drives climate change comes from historical and geological correlations (across timescales ranging from hundreds, to thousands, to millions of years). However, this new study looks at relatively near-realtime changes (measured over days). It has been long-known that large explosive outbursts of solar activity temporarily shield the Earth from galactic cosmic radiation ("Forbush decreases"), and using satellite observations over 25 years Svensmark and Shaviv have now demonstrated that the resulting sudden drops in galactic cosmic radiation cause changes in cloud cover and in atmospheric water conditions during the days following a strong solar outburst.

According to coverage on the popular climate skeptic blog, following a large Forbush decrease the rapid reduction in galactic cosmic radiation reaching the Earth causes global cloud cover to fall by 2%, and 1 billion tons of liquid water to disappear from the atmosphere. From this authors understanding, this latter effect on the amount of liquid water in the atmosphere is because more water remains in a vapor (rather than liquid) state; since galactic cosmic radiation increases the atmospheric ionization (which induces water vapor to change from a vapor to a liquid state), less galactic cosmic radiation (e.g. from a Forbush decrease) means: less ionization, less water vapor changing state into liquid water, and less total liquid water in the atmosphere—a billion tons worth, according to this study.

This demonstrates the intimate, real-time connection between the galactic climate, the solar climate, and the conditions experienced here on Earth. You’re living in the Galaxy buddy!

Regarding "climate change," it is not these rapid, short-term changes that are relevant (though they can affect certain weather systems, such as cyclones), but the longer-term, sustained changes in galactic cosmic ray flux are key. On timescales of tens, to hundreds, to thousands of years, cyclical changes in the magnetic activity of our Sun control the amount of galactic cosmic radiation reaching the Earth, and thereby control climate change though the resulting long-term changes in average global cloud cover.

In this context, it is worth emphasizing that the Sun looks to be entering a multi-decadal weakening phase, which could result in substantial cooling around mid-century. The strength of the current 11-year solar cycle is the lowest in 100 years, while measurements of magnetic strength show the Sun is steady weakening from year to year. For the past decade Russian solar scientist Habibullo Abdussamatov and his colleagues at the Pulkovo Observatory have been forecasting a coming "grand minimum" in solar activity (starting between 2030 and 2040) and a resulting global cooling phase for the Earth.

On significantly longer timescales, millions to tens and hundreds of millions of years, the changes of the Solar System’s position in the Galaxy, and changes in the global conditions of the Galaxy itself govern the largest and most dramatic climate changes experience on Earth. You’re currently living in a Galactic climate.

While these long-term and ultra-long-term relations have been known for some time, this new study underscores the day-to-day and week-to-week intimacy of this Earth-Solar-Galactic relation ... and how mankind can control it.

Just as natural variations in atmospheric ionization (due to changes in galactic cosmic ray flux) can affect cloud cover and atmospheric water conditions, man-made atmospheric ionization systems can also tap into the forces governing the atmospheric component of the water cycle to increase precipitation where it is needed and desired.

From Russia to Mexico, Switzerland to Australia, for decades atmospheric ionization systems have been successfully used to increase precipitation, bringing water to where it is desired by tapping into the galactic characteristics of our water cycle. Currently the most robust demonstration yet is ongoing in Oman (run by Australian Rain Technologies), where they have recently announced their third strait successful year of a five year trial, demonstrating these types of systems can reliably and effectively increase precipitation where desired.

California, are you really going to settle for the present Brown future? Or will you join the future of mankind as a galactic species?

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