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Russia’s Luna-25 Successfully Activates Scientific Instruments

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EIRNS—TASS reported on Aug. 13 that the scientific instruments aboard Russia’s Luna-25 spacecraft were successfully activated under space flight conditions, and also successfully executed its first space flight trajectory correction. All systems are operating normally and communication is stable.

TASS explained: "The Luna-25 mission aims to test a soft landing on the surface of the Earth’s natural satellite. The automatic station can become the first mission to land on the Moon’s South Pole. The station will study the internal structure and explore natural resources, including water, and will also study the impact of cosmic rays and electromagnetic radiation on the Moon’s surface.

“Several video cameras are installed aboard the Luna-25 automatic station. They will record a time-lapse of the landing, a panorama of the Earth’s natural satellite in the HDR format and settling dust for its study. The Luna-25 will make a programmed video-recording and take photos of the Moon on a command from Earth.”

Lev Zelyony, scientific director of the Russian Academy of Sciences’ Space Research Institute and supervisor of the first phase of the lunar program told TASS, “In the first hours of landing on the moon, the spacecraft’s cameras will turn on and a signal will be transmitted to the earth. The cameras will take panoramic photos but we don’t expect to see any beautiful views. We will see lunar rocks and the surrounding landscape. Hopefully, these will be among the first photos of the lunar pole.” [jgw]