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John Bolton Targets Russia, China in Iran War Drive, as War Talk Escalates in Israel

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John Bolton, the former UN Ambassador and full-time neo-conservative maniac, has been on a media blitz since the downing of the U.S. drone in Iran, to blame Russia for providing the technology to Iran to "jam" the communications that allowed the Iranians to capture the top secret spy drone.

"I wouldn’t be at all surprised if in fact the Russians provided the jamming equipment [to Iran] as the alternative to the S-300," stated Bolton, in an interview on the WABC New York Radio hosted by Aaron Klein. The Iranians have said that they will not return the captured American RQ-170 Sentinel drone to the U.S. Then, when asked about news reports that Iran is letting Russia and China inspect the drone, Bolton said this threatens all of U.S. defenses. "It allows Iranians and therefore the Russian and Chinese access to our stealth technology. It allows them access to our communications and sensors inside the drone."

Inside Israel, the Netanyahu crowd has revived the warnings from a different former Mossad chief, Danny Yatom, who opposes the Ephraim Halevy and Meir Dagan’s warnings against bombing Iran. Yatom says that "As difficult a price it [a military strike on Iran] may be, and even if those predicting apocalyptic results are correct—and I dont think they are—this is still not as bad as the threat of an Iranian bomb." Yatom claims that the world has "little time" left to act on Iran.

The same article quoting Yatom also reports that Bibi talked about building "unofficial ties" in the Arab world when he held a press conference in Romania with the Romanian Prime Minister. These ties are widely hinted in the Israeli press to mean "Saudi Arabia and the Gulf states."

At the same time, the line is almost unanimous among Israelis that the U.S. and Obama are "too weak" to use military attacks to stop Iran’s nuclear program, reports former CIA Clandestine Services officer Robert Grenier writing today in Al Jazeera. Grenier attended the annual Brookings Institute Saban Center event on Dec. 2, 2011, where Defense Secretary Leon Panetta delivered the new Obama policy line that even nuclear technology sufficient to build a bomb would be a threshold for war. But this was not enough for the Israeli war camp which is pushing more than ever to go it alone.

"First, the Israelis need not rely on the US to initiate hostilities with Iran, if it should come to that. They can do so themselves, confident that the US will then be forced to deal with the consequences, including the Iranian retaliation which Panetta described and all would expect," Grenier writes.

"Secondly, and perhaps more importantly, the Israelis know that they can pursue such a course, in extremis, without serious fear of repercussions, including a cutoff of US support - diplomatic, military, or otherwise."