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British Imperialists Deploy to Sabotage Arab League Mission to Syria

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As 60 Arab League observers arrived today in Homs, Syria, a gas pipeline serving the city was blown up by "an armed terrorist group," according to a government spokesman quoted by the official Sana news agency. The same pipeline had been targeted on Dec. 12, and there have been another four recent attacks on energy infrastructure in the country. .

The Arab League delegation, led by Sudanese Gen. al-Dabi, met with both the governor of Homs, and with opposition forces in the city—as shown on Syrian TV. Gen. al-Dabi told journalists that "Our Syrian brothers are cooperating very well and without any restriction so far." The Arab League also officially denied a lying report put out on Saudi-controlled Al Arabiya TV, that the Syrian military had "wounded" one of the observers.

None of which is what the London-run Human Rights Observatory and the London-trained and run SNC wanted to hear or see. And so they have begun to denounce the Arab League mission, and demand that the whole matter be referred to the UNSC instead—while all the time arming and training mercenary "dogs of war" for armed action (see separate slug).

Today’s New York Times argues the British case: "Critics have raised doubts about whether the observers can, or will, work independently of the government of President Assad, and whether the team has members qualified to make sense of a conflict that looks increasingly like a civil war." The Times had to admit, however, that Human Rights Observatory reports of massive civilian casualties "could not be confirmed independently," and that in fact Reuters reports seeing "ambulances full of wounded government soldiers."