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From the LaRouche Show
The Green ’Conservancy’: A British Crown Deployment To Kill People

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The audio recording of the LaRouche Show can be accessed here, Click on: LaRouche Show Archive.

The discussion, which involved Dave Christie, Robbie Barwick (Melbourne, Australia CEC) and Bob Hux (Montreal, Committee for the Republic of Canada), and host Marcia Merry Baker, took off from the theme struck at the beginning by Dave Christie (Washington State):

Environmentalism is a depopulation agenda. Greenism is a deployment of the hyperinflation/bail-out crowd. Look at Hank Paulson, former Nature Conservancy chairman. Christie stressed how Glass-Steagall will stop the bailout process, but it must be followed up by the American System credit system. We must have and use creativity, to create further potential for advance for humanity.

Barwick gave the pedigree, history and nature of the green conservancy deployment, an operation by the British crown. Updates were given on the terrible, deliberate destruction of food capacity, under the royalist green flag. Barwick noted that in 2003, the book, "Rivers for Life; Managing Water for People and Nature" by Sandra Postel (editor of the water blog for National Geographic and Brian Richter (Co-Chair of Global Water for the US Nature Conservancy) was released, to assert that river "eco-systems" must be restored, and "overuse" by humans, discontinued. Barwick gave an etiology of the term "ecosystem", which was cooked up as "mythological rubbish" by the British crown crowd.

AUSTRALIA. In November, 2012, the new Murray-Darling River Basin "Plan" went into effect, prioritizing water for the riverine "eco-system" above agriculture. This Basin has accounted for food for 60 to 80 million people a year. Now this wonderful productivity is subverted. Bulldozers are even razing some irrigation channels permanently.

CANADA. In the South Saskatchewan River Basin—which alone accounts for 70% of all the water used in irrigation in Canada—a stay has been imposed on the use of any more of the water for agriculture there! This is the heart of the wheat and barley belt, which is a big part of world exportable grains. The stay was initiated in May 2005. Formerly, as of the 1970s, there were plans to expand the irrigation-use of Rocky Mountain run-off throughout the Prairie province grainbelt. These were obstructed.

USA. Besides the fact that NAWAPA was thwarted in the 1960s, now 40+% of the corn produced is going into the gas tank!

All this is genocide. No wonder its proponents are agitated, as Glass-Steagall, nation-serving credit measures, and NAWAPA XXI and all are back on the agenda!

Be sure to check out the CEC 2011 special report, in "The New Citizen" (Oct-Nov.2011), whose cover headline is, "Defeat the British Crown’s Green Fascist Dictatorship." Also see the feature video, "Ecosystems: A Genocidal Fraud" from a year ago. (mgm)