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Italian Vote Is a Result of EU ’Regime Change’ Agenda

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(EIRNS) — The outcome of the Italian vote and the ensuing ungovernability is the best evidence that the secret agenda of the Euro System is "regime change," as Helga Zepp-LaRouche recently exposed in her interview with the Greek newspaper Hellada.

Beppe Grillo’s neo-flagellant party has become the largest party in the lower house, the Chamber of Deputies, with 25.55% of the votes, catching a lot of the youth vote and part of the protest vote of those who wanted to have a "toilet cleaner." However, one-fourth of the voters stayed home — the highest percentage in Italian history — showing that one part of the electorate is disgusted with politics, but not degenerate enough to vote for Grillo’s fascists.

With nearly 30%, the center-left coalition led by Pierluigi Bersani has a margin of a 0.37% over the Berlusconi-led coalition in the Chamber of Deputies. Thanks to the election law, Bersani will be able to have an absolute majority of seats. However, he
does not have a majority in the Senate, where 158 votes are needed. Center-left plus Monti in the Senate makes 129.

The great loser of the vote is EU Gauleiter Mario Monti. With less than 10%, Monti cannot realize his wet dream of dictating policy as a condition for a center-left coalition. He has become totally useless.

The result would justify a new election, but this is not possible in the short term, because of the election of the new State President in May. The State President must be elected by Parliament. The new Parliament will convene on March 15 and will first elect the chairmen of the two houses. This will be a test of whether any alliance is possible. After that, State President Giorgio Napolitano will start consultations on who has a greater chance to form a government backed by a parliamentary majority.

On paper, only a Grand Coalition alliance is possible (center-left plus Monti plus Berlusconi’s PDL), or an alliance of either the center-left or center-right bloc with Grillo. However, Grillo has announced that he will make no alliances, in order to not give up his radical agenda. As for the Grand Coalition option, if it is made on the basis of the Euro program, it will serve to create more destruction and deliver an overwhelming majority to Grillo in the next vote.

The alternative would be a Grand Coalition based on a program that defies the Euro dictatorship. This option, currently not upfront, is not to be excluded, as both center-left and center-right leaders have campaigned for loosening the Fiscal Pact and creating jobs. Former Economy Minister Giulio Tremonti, who was elected in the Senate, could play a role in that. In both political blocs, however, there is strong resistance against that, led by EU Trojan Horses. [CCC]