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Carney and Draghi: the oligarchy’s henchmen for a policy of fascism and war

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CRC—When Mario Draghi was head of the Financial Stability Board office of the Basel-based Bank for International Settlements (2009-2011), he wrote the policy directives for the G20’s too-big –to-fail banks on how to implement bail-ins, i.e. stealing depositor’s money! When Mark Carney replaced him at the FSB in November 2011, he worked on the final blueprint of the policy and coordinated with the world’s central banks the resolution regimes for such SIFI banks.

That policy is now operational and works in tandem with continuing bailouts. The policy is not meant to salvage the system but rather to bring in fascist political regimes and prepare for war.

Firstly, the combined bail-in and bailout regimes are insufficient to salvage the collapsing trans-Atlantic financial system, and secondly, such policies cannot be implemented without fascist political regimes which were recently openly called for by JPMorganChase and the BIS itself!

Over the last few days, Carney and Draghi have been coordinating their press conferences, Carney advocating the possible use of “forward guidance”, (a tool used by Carney at the Bank of Canada to give ’investors and markets long-term assurance on interest rate expectations’) and Draghi defending the same and also the derivatives market (which would be the first item to be excluded from the bail-in policy!).

Such coordinated policies will accelerate hyperinflation and collapse the U.S.economy.

But the real issue is that the clock is now five minutes to midnight for the City and Wall Street: Either the Anglo-Dutch oligarchy unabatedly accelerates its drive for worldwide fascist dictatorial austerity, which would lead to an exponential increase in the genocide level and a “Guns of August” disaster, or patriots worldwide can rally around a global Glass-Steagall law that neutralizes the financial oligarchy and launches a new paradigm for world development. [GG]