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The Anglo-Dutch Empire Is the Enemy of Humanity and Obama Is Its Stooge

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(LPAC)—As Lyndon LaRouche has repeatedly emphasized, the Anglo-Dutch Empire is the enemy of humanity for whom Barack Obama is working in a deliberate campaign to commit genocide against Americans and to reduce the world’s population from 7 to 1 billion people.

The Dutch Empire emerged in its own right during the course of an 80 years war from 1566 to 1648 against the Spanish. During this war the Dutch created the Dutch East India Company in 1602 and the Dutch West India Company in 1621. These two companies were similar to the British East India Company created in 1600. A model for today’s private mercenary armies, the Dutch East India Company was the first company to issue stocks. At the same time it had quasi-government powers, including the ability to wage war, imprison and execute convicts, negotiate treaties, coin money and establish colonies. The Dutch West India Company had jurisdiction over the Atlantic slave trade.

After defeating the Spanish, the Dutch then engaged in three Anglo-Dutch Wars in 1652, 1664 and 1673.

It was during the first of these wars in 1652 that the Dutch in New Amsterdam (today’s Manhattan) constructed a wall on the southern tip of Manhattan extending from the East River to the Hudson River to defend New Amsterdam from the British. That wall would later give its name to Wall Street, the Anglo-Dutch Trojan Horse within the United States today.

Following the three Anglo-Dutch Wars, in 1688 the Dutch effectively took over the competing British Empire during the so-called Glorious Revolution of 1688, when William of Orange ascended to the throne of England, Ireland and Scotland, after murderously crushing resistance in the latter two nations.

Under William of Orange, the Dutch then moved to crush the Massachusetts Bay Colony, the seed crystal of the later United States of America. The charter of the Massachusetts Bay Colony had been revoked in 1684, but once William of Orange came to power, he replaced that charter with the Massachusetts Charter in 1691. The Massachusetts Charter established Anglo-Dutch rule, appointing a Royal Governor in 1692, and took away any right to self-government.

See The Two Massachusetts-video.

Thus, the Anglo-Dutch Empire emerged as the enemy of the future United States of America and its inspiration, Nicolaus of Cusa. Cusa was the first to express the concept of government by the consent of the governed in his The Catholic Concordance (Concordantia Catholica) written in 1433. He had also played the decisive role in inspiring the rediscovery of the Americas as a means of outflanking the earlier Venetian Empire which dominated Europe at the time.

Today, the continuity of the Anglo-Dutch Empire in its post-World War II form is epitomized by the formation of the World Wildlife Fund by its first president, Prince Bernhard of the Netherlands, and Prince Philip, the Consort of Britain’s Queen Elizabeth II. Prince Bernhard had joined the Nazi Party in Germany in the 1930s. He enrolled in the SA (Sturmabteilung) and was a member of the SS Cavalry Corps. It is also reported that he was a member of an SS intelligence unit within IG Farben, the cartel which ran Auschwitz and produced every can of Zyklon B gas, which was used to kill concentration camp victims.

Prince Philip himself, of Danish Royalty, was trained in the Hitler Youth curriculum and several members of his family were active supporters of the Nazis.

Thus, it is no surprise that these Anglo-Dutch Nazis would launch the organization which has been the leading vehicle for pushing Queen Elizabeth’s campaign to reduce the world’s population from 7 to 1 billion people.

Obama’s health destruction law, his commitment to cut Social Security, Medicare, etc. are modeled on the genocidal polices carried out by the Nazis with the support of Princes Bernhard and Philip, and on the Nazi policies of genocide pioneered by British and the Netherlands after World War II.(WW)