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LPAC Policy Committee discussion

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DIANE SARE: Good afternoon, and welcome to the weekly discussion of the LaRouche PAC Policy Committee. We’re joined over Google Hangouts on Air by Bill Roberts of Michigan, who is in Texas working with our Senate candidate Kesha Rogers; Dave Christie of Seattle, Washington, and Michael Steger of California; and we have in the studio today, Rachel Brown joining us from Massachusetts, and I’m Diane Sare from New Jersey, and of course, we have Mr. LaRouche, who had a very important statement that he released yesterday, on the death of Ariel Sharon.

LYNDON LAROUCHE: The crucial point here, and this is a strategic statement, which I composed on Sunday, which initially was composed of two typescript pages; and then I added in the course of the day a supplementary three pages, or the equivalent of three pages, of the supplementary continuing argument. This thing was then published, and has been published since yesterday, through various channels and has appeared, I presume this morning, on our internal transmission. ’In My Defense of Ariel Sharon (In His Memory)’

This is one of the most important strategic actions, which I have been able to introduce into the present world crisis situation. We are on the verge, at almost any time soon, of a thermonuclear conflict, between the trans-Atlantic system of thermonuclear power, and the Eurasian system of thermonuclear power. The trans-Atlantic system’s economy is disintegrating at an accelerating rate, as most people who are trying to have lives within the United States, or in the states of Europe already know. On the other hand, the Eurasian region, which goes from Belarus in Europe, all the way across to the Pacific, with some skunks organization, like Saudi Arabia and so forth, cluttering up the atmosphere; but the trans-Eurasian system, has actually been lately increasing, at least in leading countries, has been increasing its productivity and standard of living, whereas the people in the trans-Atlantic region are all in a collapsing economy.

But at the same time, in the United States and in Britain, under the British Queen and her crony, the President of the United States today, are a couple of bums, who are actually leading a charge to sink the United States, to sink Europe, and to destroy much of the structure, the actual existence of the Constitution of the United States, and on a program of, under Obama, to have an accelerated mass reduction of the population of the United States, including measures, in terms of health care in particular, and in cutting out all continued support for the unemployed.

So we are in a disastrous position. What is happening in the United States has an echo Spain, in Portugal, it’s coming on now in France; it’s hitting very viciously against Greece; it’s almost destroying the lifestyle in south Italy, and so forth.

But in this other area, we’ve had, for example in China, one of the greatest mass scientific accomplishments in the history of mankind, under the leadership, or the support of the leadership of the new government of China: That is, a Moon landing which has an implication which only scientists, perhaps, so far really understand. What the Moon landing was, by China, on the Moon, now that the Moon is out of the darkness and back in the light where it belongs, the Moon now is being used as a basis for the collection of thermonuclear power, in the form of helium-3.

Now, helium-3 is not presently very convenient, in a sense, on Earth, because our magnetic field on Earth, present the helium-3 from being functional, because the helium-3 of the Solar System comes directly from the Sun. The Moon, which does not have a magnetic field, to block this, is now the principle, for us in the United States, going to the Moon, we can create a revolution, in thermonuclear technology.

Now, this will take some time to bring into a full-throated ability. But we have the perspective, if we are devoted to doing so, of pulling the entire human species out of the desperation which has been brought about by the British Empire and similar influences who have ruined, who have crushed the United States! They crushed the United States’ people, destroyed our economy! They’ve driven us, down, down, down. We have destroyed the continue of Europe, in terms of the western continent of Europe!

So now, what we need is to get the United States out from under the boots of Obama and his mistress, who is the Queen of England. He’s her flunky.

Now, if we remove, as we must, an incompetent and evil President from his office, by the usual legal means of our Constitution, we remove him from office, we will open the gates! Because 60% or more of the votable population of the United States despises what his program is, and wishes he were gone! Except they’re a little afraid, to launch an impeachment campaign. But the number of people are ready to do an impeachment campaign against this bum, are unfortunately, only a fraction of the number of 60% or more, of the U.S. votable population, which wish he were gone, particularly after this health-care episode that he pulled off. Which may be overturned, anyway, in the meantime.

But these are the conditions.

Now, the problem is, is that we have a conflict among the viable portions of the total human population, which are divided between, on the one side, the trans-Atlantic region, which is rally a special part of the whole world; it’s really an empire in the making. In other words, there is no real long-term sovereignty, in any part among the nations of the trans-Atlantic region. Their sovereignty has been disintegrating and evaporating, step by step. That’s why the American people have no votable influence, over the actual policy of the United States.

On the other hand, Eurasia, which used to be the back end of the planetary economy, has now risen and is still rising, to a higher level. Our objective, therefore is to get rid of things, out of power, like the British monarchy system, and the Obama administration, to remove those obstacles to solutions.

Now the solution is for us to have, in the United States, to resume ourselves as the United States, not under this jerk Bush and Obama; those two characters are useless, and the sooner they’re out of the way — they can still live; they can live as citizens, but they can’t live as dominant powers in the United States. That has been proven over and over again: These guys have to be thrown out of office. They can live someplace in the United States, but we don’t want them around in the Presidency or similar kinds of institutions. But the governorship should be enhanced at times there and there, also. That may be happening right now: One governor may be on the skids, which is a pleasant thought, but it smells a lot... [laughter] and we don’t like to have to deal with that kind of merchandise!

So anyway, the situation is now, our problem, in terms of the collapse, the physical collapse, of life on this planet Earth, a collapse which is centered in the trans-Atlantic region, if we can eliminate those dominant factors, which we could if the United States were to come back to life, that is, real life as political force it its own tradition, under its own Constitution and in its own tradition. And if we negotiate it with, specifically, most significantly, strategically, the viable elements with the Eurasian world, which includes Russia, China, India, and some other nations, which are viable, and which are growing, economically, progressing with new technologies, while we in the trans-Atlantic region are degenerating, running ourselves on a thermonuclear threat, as our only real power, and that threat is useless to the human beings on this on this planet; if we can strike agreements, not full-throated lovey-lovey sort of thing, that will not be achievable immediately. But we can if we throw out the obstacle contaminating our own government and some of the governments of Europe, if we can overcome that obstacle, and meet, as the trans-Atlantic sector, meeting with and coming to a negotiated agreement with the Eurasian sector, we can avoid a thermonuclear war, which would probably cause the extinction of the human species, but we could get that thing off the agenda! And now negotiate the rebuilding of humanity, a rebuilding which is signaled implicitly, by what China did in its approach to the new form of Moon landing, in which the concentration is by them, now is to develop the thermonuclear fusion capability which is available to us, even though the stuff comes from the Sun, is available to us by the delivery of this product on the premises of the Moon, by our setting up an operation on the Moon, which will deal with this problem, then we are on the verge to a higher state of existence, in terms of technology, science, and so forth throughout Earth!

All we have to do, is change the subject, and get back to a negotiating with the powers within Eurasia which are cooperating, or cooperative in their disposition; and if we can introduce into our government, a change of orientation which enables to go back being the real United States again, all we have to do it in the United States, is become again the United States we have not been for a long time. We still exist. We still have the same Constitution. We still have the same ultimate origins and traditions. All we have to do, is return to those commitments, which we’ve had previously, even in my own generation. And all what we have to do, is seek to negotiate an agreement between leading elements within the Eurasian area, and our trans-Atlantic region.

If that negotiation occurs, with the perspective of developing the technology of this planet, cutting out the zero growth policy: Eliminate the zero growth policy, because that’s the extermination of the human species! That’s an oligarchical conception! Go back to the American conception, not the British oligarchical conception, the British Empire’s oligarchical conception. There may be people in the British islands, who do think that way, but the monarchy, the British monarchy which is actually a product of the Dutch gang, which destroyed our first American republic, in Massachusetts, and went on to create a world empire, centered in the British monarchy, the British monarchy which was created by the Dutch monarchy.

And so therefore, if we get that crap out of the system, and recognize that that is our real enemy, our historical enemy, as opposed to what may be considered our enemy from time to time, here now, and realize that that one thing, all we have to do is revive what our United States Constitution represents in terms of its heritages, if we do that, we can, then, by such means as dumping a highly impeachable President, we can initiate, from the United States, and from the among existing government members of the United States, we can launch an approach not only to our European neighbors, but also the Eurasian sector of the world population; a Eurasian sector which is now, at the pivot of pioneering and approach to the greatest power, for productive power, and defense, and development, which has ever happened for mankind.

And that potential, while it may not be completely deliverable immediately, is the future which will bring us out of this mess! Maybe not for us, today, but for certainly, for when our children grow up.

SARE: Well, I think what you have done with your comments of yesterday, on the passing of Ariel Sharon, really gets at this question. Because I think in our culture, too many people think about their "identity," or a person’s identity, as what they identify with the physical existence and what happens in your time, and not the Promethean foresight, foreknowledge, identity of a person who is acting for the future, and that your identity is part of what happens in the future as a result of your actions.

LAROUCHE: See the problem is, is that there’s been gigantic, long-term brainwashing campaign against the human race on this planet. And the oligarchical system, typified, for example, by the Roman Empire, has been a system of imperialism which has reduced the greater part of the population of nations to effectively, cattle; cattle, who they slaughter from time to time, if they think they’re excessive. I mean, you run a campaign to reduce the population: You cut them off from food, you submit them to like what was done to the Christians under the Roman Empire: The massive slaughter of Christians under the Roman Empire is an example of what the oligarchical system is. It’s an example of what the Queen of England represents, right now, actively! Her policy is to reduce the population of the planet, she’s declared it openly, repeatedly, is to reduce the population of the planet from approximately 7 billion people to less than 1: That is her stated intention!

But she is not simply the Queen of England, she is also the head, the official head of the British Empire, which is a global institution. And therefore, it would be a good thing to break up the British Empire, don’t touch the validity of the people of Britain, or Ireland, or Scotland and so forth; don’t do that, merely free them from this atrocity, this terrible thing, this oppression, which is merely typified by the actions and policies of the Queen of England.

The people of England, the people of Britain, we have to protect and help, and encourage. But this institution, which is an Anglo-Dutch institution, starting from a Dutch victory over the Spanish, way back in the immediate post-Renaissance period. And if we break that, and then decide we’re going to work as human beings, with different governments, and somewhat different policies and different cultures; if we recognize we can, despite differences in cultures and so forth, we can cooperate in common interests. That’s what nations in our world as a whole should be!

And now, if we apply that principle, which we’re getting impulses for, from the Eurasian sector, within the Eurasian sector — we got some terrible monsters there, terrorist monsters as well — but if we do that, we’re on the course to engaging, unleashing, and re-encouraging our people to begin to move ahead.

And once we make that agreement, given what China has done in its version of the Moon landing, and just simply go back to our Moon landing and make it in accord with the opportunities in approach, which China has introduced, then we have brought the whole Eurasian sector of the world, including all its component nation-states, and its people associated with that, together with the trans-Atlantic region. And that is the only durable solution, then.

And what I’ve done, is I’ve used the case of Ariel Sharon, who is not, shall we say, my favorite person, but I have, you know, of course in the immediate post-World War II period, I had a very intimate relationship with a Jewish community in Asia. These were young people from the United States who asked me to continue to maintain ties to Israel in its development, while I remained in the United States. And during that period, we had a very good relationship with what was called the socialist faction there in Israel. And it was only when the right-wing, in later course of the 1970s, when the right- wing took over Israel, then we had steps downward, and I was at that point, in communication with many of the top leaders of Israel of that time; and I continued to be in touch with them, because they still had some position in the government there, despite not being in that party

And so, we were able, for some period of time, to sustain the progress of Israel and an orientation of Israel which would have been useful to mankind as a general — Israel could have been a great inspiration in that immediate post-war period, for the world as a whole. Now, we have people all throughout the various nations of the world, who are part of this Diaspora kind of thing, arrangement of the Jewish population. We have, in the United States, a very significant portion; we have a very significant portion in many parts of the world. If you wanted to assemble the international Jewry, and take the people who had good thinking, and had good traditions, you would find that you have a very important, political force internationally. Because if this Jewish community has the opportunity, to bring forth its best talents, as distributed among various nations, and bring that into play, we have a catalyst among them, which can open the gates, for exactly what I’m talking about doing now!

DAVE CHRISTIE: You know, Lyn, I was struck by a kind of Treaty of Westphalia approach, because I know that you have had very critical statements of Sharon and some of his policies, but I was struck with this concept of saying "well, let’s look at somebody’s better side," and also I think the approach you took on looking at Sharon’s life, of what it means in terms of a legacy, is extremely important right now, because of course, we just had the P5+1 interim agreement, at least the beginning of it solidified; apparently it begins to go into effect on the 20th here. But at the same time as that’s going on, you have Senator Menendez another problem from New Jersey, who is putting forward this bill, the sanctions bill, at a time when we could have a complete breakthrough, which could just completely disrupt the whole situation with Iran. And I think it’s important that networks with inside Israel, networks with inside of the various nations being involved in these discussions, recognize that what the actual nature of this is, which, of course, as you started our this discussion with, this is going to World War III, whether it be any one of these triggers, whether it be Iran or any of the other triggers that the Saudis are behind with this global terrorism apparatus.

But I think also, what you’ve identified in the recent period with your Storm Over Asia video from 1999, which really laid out what this single, global dynamic is actually about, in terms of this terrorism, drug-running, this swath that extends along the underbelly of Asia, the underside of China and Russia, and of course, butts up against India. But that’s what we’re actually up against, and I think the saner forces with inside Israel could take your message on that, and say, in the name of peace, let’s come together and not be hot-headed about this thing.

LAROUCHE: That’s not enough. You have to take another factor in. You have two human cultures, which dominate the history of human life on this planet. One, is called the oligarchical system, which is associated with Zeus, that is, the traditional admiration of Zeus. And if you trace the policies and practices of human beings, since that period of human existence, you see what the entire problem is today. For example, what the Zeus policy was, is what we call today, the root of the imperialist policy: The point is, one group of people, typified by the mythology of Zeus, insists that they are the gods, and the rest of the human species are the underlings.

Now, this was an issue which we fought out against the British, in establishing the American Federal Constitution. But most parts of the world then, and why Nicholas of Cusa and others pushed for the crossing of the Atlantic into what we call the Americas, today, as to take the people of Europe and Asia, who were living under oligarchical, oppressed conditions; and being sometimes bright, sometimes doing things, but repeatedly crushed by a higher political authority, reigning in those areas — like the Roman Empire is a typical case of this.

So therefore, what Cusa and others concluded, was that it was important for Europeans, especially, to concentrate on building up a new culture, across the other side of the Atlantic. And that was actually a Promethean action, as opposed to what had been the dominant trend, since the cult of Zeus himself, of the oligarchical principle. All of our problems, of great warfares, great destructions, stupidity, slavery, oppression, are all a product of what is typified by the image of Zeus. All that is good in humanity as a movement, is typified by the concept of Prometheus.

What’s the concept of Prometheus? Why is it different than those? Well, the Zeusians believe that man is simply an animal, and believe that they are superior animals, who control the inferior animals.

But the Promethean aspect is different. The Prometheans aspect is that mankind first appeared as a unique species, unlike any other known living species, then or now. And that, if that species is allowed to develop itself naturally, without the oppression of a Zeus, or a Zeus-like figure, then the human species will become what we hoped it would grow up to develop to become. And that is the struggle which has divided mankind in principle, underlying struggle, ever since.

Now the issue is, the empire systems, which dominate Europe, and similar kinds of afflictions which have penetrated and permeated parts of Asia, and Africa, and so forth, that the problem is, that the enemy, that is people who are of the Zeus mentality, believe, as you see in the case of the Green policy of the British Queen, and also, of the current President of the United States, they are pro-Zeusian agents. That is, they believe, like the Green policy. The Green policy says, we must send the human species backward in its development.

It’s called a Green policy. In other words, anyone in the United States today, on the average, who is working, is less efficient in terms of production, per capita, than they were before the Green policy was introduced. That is, before the assassination of John F. Kennedy, the United States was still an inherently progressive system, despite all the weakness. And that system, which was the greatness of the United States, was the fact that we represented a leading force in the world, to uphold the Promethean system. And the American Revolution was entirely a Promethean liberation movement; whereas Europe, despite all the good things that Europe had produced, was repeatedly crushed, by imperialist, Roman Empire kinds of subjugation.

And the struggle of mankind has been to conquer this thing, to get rid of this oligarchical system, and go back: Now, what’s the history? There’s a biological proof of what I’m saying. The human species is different than any other living species, in the most essential factors. The human species is the only species which can self-evolve, by will and intellect, to a higher form of life! We started as simple, almost gorilla like, or ape-like creatures. But!, we had learned, and become able to cook our own food, which no animal life otherwise can do.

And therefore, from that beginning, we had a quality which is called foresight, the ability to foresee what the future could become. That’s the difference between man, mankind, — when allowed to be mankind — and an animal. What has happened is that most of the populations of the world, are subjected to conform to animal conditions. They only improve their technology out of competition, out of combat. They think only in terms of weapons by which to defeat their chosen opponents. They don’t think about the welfare of the human species.

However, the reality is, the reality of physical science, as can be demonstrated by an examination of the history of physics in chemistry, if you simply know that, even if your interpretation is lousy, you are actually able to develop conceptions, conceptions of practice, which bring the condition of humanity upward, and create the improved intellect of mankind as a species, through that mechanism of practice. We call that science. It’s through this means of science, and Classical culture, that is great drama, and other means which are vehicles by which the human species is able to rise intellectually, to the ability to conquering of obstacles, and improving the conditions of mankind. It’s because of that characteristic of the human species, the innate characteristic of the human species, as distinct from mere animals, which enables us to colonize the Moon. Not to live on it, but to put machinery on the Moon, which we can create as a self-improving device of development, controlled from mankind on Earth.

We have got to stop being mere earthlings! We have to be people who live on Earth, but who are really part of our Solar System. We are not going to move to Mars, to live. The conditions are not ready for mankind to be able to live on Mars. You might go there for short visits, as we went to the Moon for a shot visit. But we are not going to, within, say this part of the Solar System with which we’re more immediately familiar, we’re not going to actually repopulate ourselves into Mars, or even on the Moon, immediately at hand now.

Therefore we have to understand what the true destiny of mankind is, apart from the topical bunk! which has been taught repeatedly. Mankind is an immortal creature. And the characteristic is that when we die, we do not necessarily die. We lost the ability to change things, ourselves. But if we develop the population, the society in which we live, the life which had been given to us, is now continued in effect, by those geniuses especially, like the greatest scientists, who create the deathless ideas which create future.

And that’s I’m devoted to. I’m an old geezer. I’m going die sooner or later, and it’s going to be fairly soon, on the scale of life as a whole. But I am determined and committed to put into motion, with the aid of my efforts for this purpose, to encourage to push into motion the kind of progress, which the special history of mankind, as distinct from all other known living species, that our special characteristic as human, we’re going to activate that! so that when we die, we die to leave a legacy which will live in those who are our successors. We are going educate people, to enable them to qualify themselves, to be the inventors, the scientists, and just simply the working people, who create the future of mankind.

And the problem today is we have people who talk this silly stuff, of "how’re you going to deal with this? How’re you going to deal with that?" If you don’t have the policy, which permits you to do the things by which mankind can progress, mankind will die of diseases of one kind or the other. And that’s the principle we have to fight for here. And we have to make people understand, what those issues of principle are.

SARE: I think we have coming up this weekend, an opportunity to put that in practice, with the Mozart Requiem performance in Boston, which is the 50th anniversary of the January 19th, 1964 Requiem Mass performed at the request of the Kennedy family. And in the organizing for this, we’ve come across a number of individuals and musicians who, in one case I think, the person’s entire life has been shaped by her memory of Kennedy, and her memory of those events. And I’m optimistic, that this question you raised at the beginning of the United States restoring itself to its mission, and Americans restoring their identity as Americans, will be inspired to locate that in this upcoming performance.

LAROUCHE: Yes. [audio loss] ... so that we have a mission orientation, which we are just trying to reinforce from this table.

RACHEL BROWN: We do. And Kennedy had a sense that there’s not a separation between art and statecraft. We read recently a quote from him, when bringing the Mona Lisa into the United States, and he spoke about Leonardo da Vinci, and that he was both an artist and a statesman, because when he was doing his war machines, that he was doing them for the chief purpose of liberty.

LAROUCHE: Yeah. Well, the point is, which, as I would put it, and as I have put it recently and emphatically, is, the problem is that we have compartmentalized human knowledge and progress. For example, take the case of the gentleman who just deceased, Sharon: Sharon, as I said, had really died mentally about seven years ago. His funeral was just celebrated recently. I responded to that, with an appreciation of what the significance of that process was: That his death freed mankind for his ability to act on the future, and what Sharon today, now being dead, and buried, essentially, or entombed, that Sharon, with all the evil that he did in the course of his life, the course of his career in Israel, that he had embodied something good in the earlier part of his life, in the Israeli process, from its beginning. And it was only when the right-wing took over, that what we call the evil of Sharon, or many people call the evil of Sharon, took over.

So there he was, he was essentially non-functional, not dead, but almost, as if dead, for seven years. Now, he’s died. That means that we know that he’s not going to come back as such. That we know, that by recognizing that insofar as he’s tied to the future at all, he’s now no longer able to do bad things, but if people can understand the fact that the human being does not die with biological death, but it’s what the human being’s mind represents, as being human, which is immortal. And it’s people who are immortal, who are really the truly creative people. You have in the course of mankind’s history, you have people who rise to creativity, as we call it, who may retreat from it.

That was the case of Sharon. At one point in his life, he had a certain nobility, a certain greatness. When the Israeli organization was taken over by the right-wing, which was really a British instrument, then and now! The original Israeli organization was not a British agent, though it had strong British factors it had to cope with. But it was the Sharon process and the things that went with that, with the right-wing taking over Israel, it was a process of degeneration in Israel, in terms of its self-conception and its relation to other nations and other peoples. That’s when the corruption fed.

The right-wing in Israel was a British agent, with American complications! It was a stooge! It was not Israel in the real sense, any more! But at one point, Sharon had been part of something great. When the right-wing came into power in Israel, which was really a British takeover of Israel, from that point on, Israel began to become more and more influenced by corrupting factors, from the United States and elsewhere.

So then, you had this degeneration, which was the degeneration of the right-wing governments in Israel. So therefore, now he’s dead. Now, if you look at it from that passive point, of a somewhat good guy turned bad, by degrees, then what’s the conclusion of Ariel Sharon?

If you don’t consider what is beyond death, which is exemplified by a person who is able to leave a legacy, which becomes active through the agency of other people, to continue progress to a higher level, then you say, "well, Sharon is dead. He did some dirty, bad things. So what? He’s now dead, he’s not going to dirty bad things himself any more!" And he’d been on the throes, the edge of technical death, for about seven years: What do I judge this man to be? How do I judge him?

I judge him, of course, for the idea of "he’s dead." That’s stupid! Or, you judge him, for a point of reference on the basis of the fact that human beings are able to forecast the future before they die. And true science is based on man’s ability to forecast the future. Every true physical scientific discovery, is a discovery of the future! And the person who enjoys that experience, is living in the future!

Now this does not happen accidentally, it’s not spontaneous. It’s because some people who are not demoralized, the way that society generally is demoralizing now, but people who are actually creative, not nominally creative, but who discover something that they nor anybody else had ever known before: And they now put that into action, and that is the equivalent of a true physical scientific discovery, or any other kind of physical scientific discovery.

So therefore, the difference of man, from all other species is that mankind has the unique ability to discover a principle which was unknown in the practice of the universe so far, by anybody on Earth. And it’s those of us who can do that kind of discovery, who think that way, who think about the future, not in terms of how what you’re doing is going to work out, you’re saying, "what I’m doing is not working out, it is not meeting the requirements of humanity; I have to discover something absolutely new, and prove it! Test and prove it! And apply that, in the knowledge gained, in the process of testing and proving principle." The very fact that you’re committed to that point of view, means you’re a creative personality.

But if you think, that you can not predict the future, you can not forecast the future, actually, those are the idiots. They may be well-meaning idiots, but when it comes to the progress of humanity or running governments, they are practically idiots. That’s the other side of this thing, and that’s what this whole significance, for me, of the Sharon issue. He’s now dead, but is there a living outcome to be adduced by his survivors, of what the lesson is? The outcome of understanding that lesson, is also a gift to humanity! You can take the greatest wretch, you’ve ever known in history, and when they’re dead, they may, with no intention on their part, they may, by the very circumstances of their life and death, they may set into motion, among other people, the discovery you have to emphasize. And that’s what I did yesterday, and published today.

To take this guy, who was not a good person, in his total record, as we know him; I’m operating from a basis that I had a whole period of my life, in which I was actually active, immediately in the post-war period: I was very active in promoting the Jewish community in Israel, from the United States. I continued those relations, and came back to them more actively again, during the early part of the 1970s. So I know the Israeli situation very well, I know the personalities who spanned much of this period in their own life.

So therefore, I understand Israel from that standpoint, as very few Americans or others today could understand it. There are people with Israeli backgrounds, who are consciously Israeli people, who lived in family circles where they understood this, understood these distinctions. So you have a community, a Jewish community, internationally, which includes within it, an assembly of people, or what can be an assembly of people who actually have a sense, a forecastable sense, of the meaning, for what for them is Israel.

Now, this characteristic, the significance of this characteristic, is that the understanding of that principle is unique in part, to people in Israel who have gone through this experience. It is also — and this is a disparately organized community, Jewish community; it’s an international community, which has skunks in it, like every population does; it also has some great geniuses. And you have people who may not be apparently great geniuses, but who are actually very useful people, and who have a perspective which corresponds to the principle of genius. They respond to creativity! They may not be greatly creative, in a giant way, they may not be an Einstein, but they admire Einstein!

And so, it’s that principle, which is in the international system. You got a bunch of governments, a bunch of nations of governments, they’re quarreling with each other — they’re stupid! They’re blocked! They can’t do anything right! They have no imagination of what the future means! They don’t understand the principle of the future. They just say, "You live and you die, you live and you die, that’s all you can do!"

Nonsense! Idiots! They’re not creative at all! And they shouldn’t be in leading positions. I happen to be creative. There are a lot of other people who are creative. Most people in this country are not creative. They may be innovative, but they’re not truly creative. Einstein was a genius, he was intrinsically creative! Max Planck, his friend, was a genius! Intrinsically creative! Great scientists have been usually creative.

I’m creative! Most people are not. Therefore, I as being a creative person, have a moral responsibility to contribute what I can do, to dump it into the pot for the rest of humanity. And that’s the way you have to look at it. And that’s the way I look it.

This, what I did, on this thing, is, I know, that if you take those people of the Jewish community, of the planet, who share this outlook, which is identical in method, with the original Christian outlook. The original Christian religion, under Apostles and so forth, under the conditions of Roman persecution and mass murder: They represented something which is very close affinity to what Israel had become. But raised a principle which Israel had accepted. They had a theory about things.

So the significance of Christianity was, it was an augmented version of Judaism. And this was, understand, you had people in that period, who were great leading people, who were ambivalent. They were fully Jews. They were also fully in the spirit, of Christianity. And they were centered on Egypt, for example, that’s where they did most of their work. But this was one thing.

Then, the successful feature of Roman persecution of Christians, also Jews, created a community which was nominally Christian and Jewish, interacting as Christian and Jewish communities, and these created the center of the creation of the survival of humanity, into modern conditions, which made the difference, the breakthrough, the relation between Jew and Christian in that period — later the Christian church became corrupted in various ways, became more pessimistic, more submissive to the Roman Empire, that’s was the difference. But the original Christianity of the Apostles, and of really, the Jewish community in its best expression, were of the same breed, with differences, but with the same breed.

So therefore, even to this day, the best tradition among the Jewish population of the world, is people who correspond to that understanding. And therefore, if we actually deal with this Sharon myth, and realize — Hey, this is a bad guy, but we’re not responsible. We were right all along, and any of the Jews who went through what I participated in from outside, but I participated active with it; and I had my whole life in Massachusetts, in Boston, was centered around a whole Jewish community: These were my chief friends, the ones I could talk to the best, the most conveniently. And therefore, when I made this connection to Israel, I accepted a proffer from the Jews who were emigrating to Israel, I accepted the responsibility. Then I got knocked out of that role, because of circumstances around in my own life.

But then, when I came back in the 1970s, in the early 1970s, at that point, I was able to reactivate that relationship, directly with Israeli leaders in the Socialist movement at that time. And what for me was, in Israel, was a catastrophe of the right-wing takeover, which is a British takeover, a British abomination, imposed] on Israel, even though many of the leaders of Israel who had been part of what I had known, were now working, within limitations, these kind of limitations, under really, a right-wing, British-controlled regime.

CHRISTIE: Well, I think the assassination of Rabin was a marker of that. Because what was Rabin doing? He was reviving, to the degree that I understand it, some of the very same economic policies that people like Eisenhower were talking about with the Atoms for Peace program; the Oasis Program, which would use nuclear power to desalinate water and share this water with these other communities. That Rabin understood — he may not necessarily have always, in fact, as far as I understand it, in earlier parts in his career as well, was very vitriolic towards the Arab communities and whatnot; but realized that you had to come together, as a kind of Peace of Westphalia again, but to do that with economic development. And I think that’s this Promethean concept, this using nuclear for those ends.

LAROUCHE: You have to see that the assassination of Rabin, and the assassination of our President, were the same phenomenon: They were two branches of exactly the same phenomenon, coming from exactly the same sources, of motivation for the assassinations. The same people who caused the assassination John F. Kennedy, were of the same mentality as the people who in Israel, assassinated Rabin.

And therefore, you have in the international Jewish community, be there in some cases knowledge, or reflection of knowledge of this reality, that factor, when the world as a whole can not put itself together, in terms of nations, makes the international Jewish community, or the internationally implicitly Jewish community, or that part of it, a very important historical factor in trying to prevent the catastrophe, which Obama exemplifies. Therefore, the summoning of the issue of trying to settle, among all of us, as among the Jewish community, to settle that monstrous situation, by understanding the principle involved, the principle that mankind is distinguished from the apes, by mankind’s potential ability to foresee and act upon the future. And Rabin represented a true embodiment of that quality.

CHRISTIE: I think as well, the fact, whether it’s explicit or implicit, a certain cooperation with certain factions of Israel, who were probably against this Rabin network, who are now working with the Saudis, for various geopolitical reasons, I mean, that should be just, shame on them!

LAROUCHE: Some of us know what the names are!

BILL ROBERTS: I think that this conception of how you’ve got to look at the individual personality in history is extremely important. You know John F. Kennedy, you just mentioned, there are a number of complicated aspects of his personality, you could say, but the death of Kennedy was not something that was simply "completed" with his assassination. And this has become more clear to me in recent days, in doing a number of meeting Kesha throughout the Dallas/Ft. Worth area of Texas.

We were meeting with trade union layers, and other layers that have a very distinct idea of what the ramifications of the defeat of the allies of John F. Kennedy, who continued to live beyond his death, what the ramifications of their political elimination, has been, by the Bush crowd and others. The labor unions are hanging on for dear life. And also the legacy of — you know, these groups would very much benefit and recognize the significance of a robust nuclear program, of the need to revive NASA. But there is actually, for example, people like Jim Wright [former Speaker of the House], was one of the last individuals in Texas who represented this commitment, and he actually did fight Wall Street. There were others, but this legacy of Kennedy was not actually something that was killed the moment that Kennedy was shot in Dallas. It’s actually a continuing process.

And I think what Kesha’s done very effectively, is to say, "that’s got to be the discussion," and she addresses people from the standpoint, for example, the Hispanic community, she addressed the role that the Mexican Americans, the role that they played in electing John F. Kennedy, and the response to that, in terms a sense in these people’s mind, of that continuing fight, has been extremely effective, in encouraging people to have a certain level of courage in fighting against Obama, and fighting against Wall Street today. And not giving in to the sort of small — the way that single issues are played right now, to try to eliminate that self-conception.

LAROUCHE: Yep. Exactly.

MICHAEL STEGER: And the whole debate in this country has been so skewed towards this Zeus factor, since Kennedy’s assassination. So much of the debate on any of the economic policies — once Kennedy’s assassination and the rise of Richard Nixon, and the idea of a dictatorship in the United States became a very real policy. And that has not really been addressed by the political discourse, except by what you’ve done, Lyn, this organization, maybe a few groups of others.

But there’s someone that was interesting, in the nature of the discussion today, a character was invoked from the background into the foreground of my mind around what this Promethean question is, given the celebration of Kennedy and his life, around Mozart’s Requiem and also then the fight, then, of this international Jewish community, and the fight that has existed coming out of World War II. And a certain character of Moses Mendelssohn comes to mind, because here was an individual who really dedicated themselves, coming out of a very difficult economic and social conditions, and put squarely on the line, and gained the intellectual hegemony of the entire city and area of Berlin in Germany at the time, coming from a poor Jewish background, around the question of the immortality of the soul. His recreation of Plato’s Phaedo, in his Phaedon, that was a real demonstration of a Promethean character, which really led to the whole development of what we’ve got with Mozart, Beethoven and even the American Revolution.

So, kind of a....

LAROUCHE: Exactly so, exactly so.

SARE: Well, I think that is an appropriate note to conclude our discussion this week. And we’ll be back next week, and we’ll see how Matt Ogden is coming along. I think he’s recovering, but not as quickly as he or anyone else would like. But we will have a lot, and of course, you will be doing the webcast Friday as usual, which people can look forward to.

LAROUCHE: Oh! Excellent! I hope his pain is abated!

SARE: I don’t know if he’ll be there. All right, thank you. We’ll see you next week.