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New Orwellian Scripts from the WBGU

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In an interview with the Berlin-based Tageszeitung news daily, Claus Leggewie, active member of Schellnhuber’s WBGU group of green-masked genocidalists, calls for the creation of a new body, a "Future Chamber," to function as a controlling board to be consulted before (!) any substantial parliamentary decision.

"We envision a Future Chamber as a third pillar of parliamentary democracy in the legislative process. The members of this body would not be appointed according to party-policy criteria or lobbies, but selected by raffle from among engaged citzens" (i.e., not elected), Leggewie said. Asked whether these unelected chambers would have the same power as the elected parliaments, he claimed that the WBGU "does not want a regime change in representative democracy"; the future chambers would "not have absolute vetoing rights, but carry out a sustainability review, the result of which the parliaments would wait for and would be obliged to include in their decision."

Apparently feeling he has already said a bit too much, Leggewie added, "This has nothing to do with an eco-dictatorship."

Earlier in the interview, Leggewie said that dialogue with citizens is okay, but, should they continue blocking "projects" (meaning the transformation from industrial society to a green nightmare), the governments could "deploy the police, surely," to beat the citizens down. Very nice, indeed. Is it the Star Chamber he really means?