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German Labor Strikes Back Against Greenie Obstructionists

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Volker Weber, chairman of the Hesse state section of the labor union of the German mining and energy workers, attacked Thomas Schaefer-Guembel, the chairman of the state’s Social Democrats, for his sabotage of the modernization of the Staudinger coal power plant. The upgrading of section IV of the plant at Grosskrotzenburg, a crucial supplier of power for the Rhine-Main region, has been okayed by the national executive of the SPD—-—on paper only, however. Schaefer-Guembel, who chaired the SPD commission "Energy Change in Germany" which okayed 10 new coal power plants, is blocking the Staudinger project on the sophistic grounds that "the SPD explicitly does not say y’es ’to individual sites, only to capacities. W e are sticking to our objection."

Weber charges Schaefer-Guembel in particular, but also the SPD as such, with not keeping promises made to the labor unions: namely, that the envisaged exit from nuclear power does not imply the exit from coal power as well, but keeps it as a bridge towards the supposed era of renewables. (Well, the only conclusion which labor can draw from this, is that there are no more foul deals with the greenie SPD but that the gloves have to be taken off, to fight for jobs against the SPD——ed.)