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Canada, US, Ukraine Vote at UN Against Russia-Initiated Resolution Condemning Glorification of Nazism

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Nov. 24 (CRC)—The United Nations resolution L.56 which was adopted on Friday, November 21, urged countries to “adopt more efficient measures to struggle against the heroization of Nazism and other forms of racial discrimination, xenophobia and intolerance.”

Itar-Tass News Agency reported on November 22 that “a total of 115 out of 193 UN member-states voted in favor of the document, initiated by Russia. Three countries opposed the document - Canada, the United States and Ukraine. Another 55 delegations, including from the European Union countries, abstained.

"The resolution expresses concerns over the spread across the world of various extremist political parties, movements and groups, including neo-Nazis as well as racist extremist movements and ideologies.”

On November 24, a Russia TV (RT) article quoted a top Russian diplomat, Foreign Ministry plenipotentiary for Human Rights Konstantin Dolgov, as saying: “There is no doubt that if there is no adequate reaction to the raging neo-Nazism in Ukraine, and so far there is no such reaction, this infection would spread over the Ukrainian borders and spread to other countries in Europe and beyond.”

Also on November 24, the state-run Sputnik International News Agency (which replaced Ria Novosty on November 10, 2014) ran a 14 minute radio interview on the Burning Point program
hosted by Ekaterina Kudashkina, discussing the results of the UN vote with Jean-Yves Camus of IRIS (France) and Valeriy Engel, Human Rights activist (Latvia).

The Canadian government did not officially comment the UN resolution vote on its various websites, but it did allow Francois LaSalle, a spokesman for the Department of Foreign Affairs and International Trade to respond in a November 24 National Post article by Joseph Brean: “Canada is strongly opposed to the glorification of Nazism and all forms of racism, racial discrimination, xenophobia and intolerance. We are deeply concerned by the rise of neo-Nazism in many parts of the world, and are committed to eliminating racism and discrimination, in all their forms, however, the resolution put forward at the United Nations General Assembly Third Committee on November 21 on the glorification of Nazism regrettably includes references which are counterproductive to this goal, including by seeking to limit freedom of expression, assembly and opinion.

Given its narrow focus and these concerns, Canada did not vote in favour of the resolution,” LaSalle said.

An historical inflexion point

Today’s historians acknowledge the treacherous role played by Britain’s Montagu Norman in bankrolling the Nazi party of Adolf Hitler in the early 1930’s and also the role of PM Neville Chamberlain in submitting to Hitler at Munich.

What will future historians say of PM Stephen Harper and the Canadian House of Commons giving standing ovations to war criminal Ukrainian oligarch President Pedro Poroshenko and letting him address a joint session of the Canadian Parliament on September 17, 2014?

The same Poroshenko who tolerates Nazi elements in his government and within the army and who condones atrocities committed against fellow Ukrainians in the eastern Ukraine’s Donetsk and Lugansk regions.

As Mrs. Helga Zepp-LaRouche explained at a recent Mexico City seminar: " It is extremely dangerous, because the provocations by President Poroshenko in Ukraine to not only cut the population of east Ukraine off from humanitarian aid, schools, pensions, funding of hospitals, in a clear effort to provoke Russia to respond, and then entangle Russia into a war, possibly with NATO; Poroshenko even said explicitly, that a war with Russia, is not to be excluded."

It is the Canadian and American unconditional support for the illegitimate and Nazi-riddled present government of Ukraine that may very well come to be regarded by historians as a key contributing historical factor that encouraged those provocations that led to World War III. [GG]