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Brazilian Businessmen Urge Quick Action on New BRICS Bank

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CNI president, Robson Andrade

EIRNS—Addressing a meeting of the BRICS Business Council in Brasilia on Monday, the head of Brazil’s National Industrial Federation (CNI), Robson Andrade, called upon member states to accelerate steps to set up the BRICS New Development Bank. Resources must be mobilized for public and private infrastructure projects, to overcome the financial limitations of the private sector, he said, according to EFE news agency.

The Business Council will have a consulting role with the bank, whose founding agreement the legislative assemblies of each member country must now approve.

Twenty-five businessmen, five from each of the BRICS member countries (Brazil, Russia, India, China, and South Africa) are attending the Council meeting, currently chaired by Brazil. Russia assumes its leadership shortly.

Parallel to that meeting, the Second Seminar of BRICS Officials and Experts in Population Questions is being held in Brasilia this week, followed by the first BRICS "Meeting of Ministers Responsible For Population Matters," which will take place on Thursday and Friday in Brasilia. The agenda of these meetings is developing cooperation in "social development" programs for the 2.9 billion people who make up the BRICS countries, in areas ranging from from maternal mortality, AIDS, and sexually-transmitted diseases, to rural-urban migration and urbanization, and issues of aging.