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Senators Kerry And McCain Introduce War-Powers Resolution Enabling Legislation

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After two weeks of behind-the-scenes discussions, Senators Kerry and McCain have reintroduced what was originally a non-binding "sense of the Senate" resolution supporting Obama’s Libya war, but now transformed into a binding law, which, if passed by both houses, would give Obama War Powers Resolution authority in Libya. Even if 30 days too late. This is a Congressional action which Obama himself, with his Hitler-like ambitions, has said he doesn’t need, and which he has refused to seek from the Congress.

This is a bad development, made still worse because Kerry and McCain are considered two of the most credible Senators on military matters, given their own military records.

At the same time, Democratic contacts emphasize that the two Senators’ redrafting their bill in this way is a powerful confirmation of the fact that Obama is currently operating in violation of the U.S. Constitution. Since he refuses to follow the spirit of the law and the qualified opinions of every leading legal authority in his own administration, and take the matter to Congress for authorization, Kerry and McCain are taking action to maintain constitutional integrity. It’s a classic instance of "if Mohammed won’t come to the mountain....."

The only proper remedies are the Constitutional ones of impeachment, or removal from office under the 25th Amendment. But McCain’s and Kerry’s action is absolutely in line with what Lyndon LaRouche has been saying since Saturday. Whatever disagreements they may have with Obama, when the subject comes around to impeachment, they freak. They have nothing viable to replace him, and are ruled by an abiding fear that if he is removed, LaRouche becomes unstoppable.