Lyndon H. LaRouche
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The Manhattan Project: Town Hall event with Lyndon LaRouche, January 2, 2016

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There is no security in the world now, in this new year, unless you create a future. A real future, which is not coming from the present. We’re getting something in Manhattan, uniquely, which represents that, and which is like a miracle. Everything in the transatlantic is in jeopardy, but China and Russia represent positive institutions in the world, which have the potential to revive civilization.


DENNIS SPEED: My name is Dennis Speed, and on behalf of the LaRouche Political Action Committee, I want to welcome you to our first meeting of the New Year. I think everybody basically knows the procedures. I see a few people who are new here.... So, Lyn, I’d like to give you the opportunity to say something to us, now that we’ve started a completely new year, and you’re with us.

LAROUCHE: Yes. We started this, something, this year, it had already been started. And, it’s been a disaster, and we have to cope with the fact that we are facing, with a disaster. Now, the disaster has two phases. One phase is the fact that people are struggling to understand something about things, and the second thing is, they find out that it’s a disaster. And, so, our question here and our problem here, is to get out of the disaster. And, I think the questions, and discussion matter that has come up in this course, will be of that significance.

We’re in a disaster. We, in the United States, as well as in other parts of the world, especially in the trans-Atlantic period, is a disaster. And, there’s very little hope from that, on the basis of the surface, now.

So, this is the challenge. The United States is on the verge of being disintegrated, along with most of the people of the trans-Atlantic aspect. And, our object is to get rid of Obama, and things like that, and to get a form of Presidential institution, and similar institutions, which are suited to the needs of humanity.

Right now, you have to face the fact, that we are now under a threat of almost extermination. That’s what is happened. And, the British Empire has been, of course, the source of this. The trans-Atlantic community is disintegrating, generally. And, the question is, how can we take the situation, in that form, and find a solution?

Asia is strong, but Asia is going to be drawn into a thermonuclear war, unless we can stop it. And, therefore, we have a terrible fate before us, unless we can work our way out of it. And, I think we should probably start my remarks, to that effect, now, and open the discussion on the same matter from people here, who are reacting.

SPEED: Very good. Lyn, I also have a few questions, which I got via internet, which is a bit unusual. But, I think it’s because it’s the 1st of the Year, and some people I got out some messages to, late last night, about what the urgency of this situation was, got back to me with a couple of questions. So, I may wish to go to the microphone, myself, at one point, and let you know what those are.

LAROUCHE: Don’t tear your voice apart. He’s valuable.

Q: Hi Mr. LaRouche. This is R—, from Bergen County, New Jersey. I have a question about executive power. President Erdogan of Turkey is trying to modify the Constitution of Turkey, to give himself more executive power. And, recently, he cited—I don’t know whether he considers this to be a success case—but he cited the case of Hitler, as being an example of how a federal system can be usurped, and ignored, and circumvented, in order to grab more power in the Executive branch.

I also note that, once again, Obama has come out and stated that he’s going to circumvent the Congress, in modifying gun control laws, and utilize executive order.

To me, it’s pretty clear, that over the last 15 years, the Executive branch has grabbed more power than they should have, and the Congress seems to have done very little to check that. How could that situation be corrected? Could it be corrected under the current form of government? And, assuming that there was a more rational form of government in place, how would that have to be corrected?

LAROUCHE: Well, right now, what we have in Asia—in major parts of Asia, not the entirety of it—but Asia, in general, is a viable institution. Whereas the trans-Atlantic community is not a viable institution. And, so, therefore, you can take that contrast, and look at the one side, and the other side, you begin to get what the problem is. What happened is, generally, the British Empire—which has dominated things since before beginning of our own Presidency—and, so, since that time, we’ve had degeneration as a trend in the trans-Atlantic community.

What we have now, is a shift in that, in terms of parts of Asia—including Russia, on the edge of it—are really factors, which can lead a role, for the nation as a whole. But, the trans-Atlantic community is totally corrupt, and has to be changed. So, therefore, what happens is you get President Roosevelt, for example. What happened is, President Roosevelt’s intention was destroyed. It was destroyed by the Republican Party, against him. And, what’s happened since then, in in my life experience, I was thrown in the jug. I was a leading figure in the organization of the Presidency, at that time. I was a key vehicle to pass the drama, from what had occurred in that decade, and I passed it on to President Reagan. I was put in prison, because they wanted to get rid of me. And, a lot of people just went the other way, and when I got dumped out, they went back to Satan, for succor.

So, that’s what the situation is. We have to realize that the United States is ruled by, first of all, is ruled by an evil man, actually a collection of evil men. Bushes—and Bushes that didn’t burn, but should. And Obama, And Obama is a Satanic figure. And, most of the people in the United States are intimidated by the presence of this Satanic figure called Obama! And, everybody likes to kiss his rear end. I don’t, but most of the people in Wall Street do. But they’re going to die. Wall Street is going to die! Right now! Because, in the present system, the whole thing is going to collapse. Which means, the whole system of economy, under the present conditions and management, will collapse.

This is a threat to the extinction of the members of the United States, and other parts of the world. And, unless we can come up with a magic instrument by which we can solve this problem, there’s not much hope for humanity. Now, this the kind of thing which has happened in past history. It happened repeatedly: Dark Ages. Dark Ages are part of the history in mankind’s life.

And, therefore, you have two categories. You have the category which is the humanistic view, which sees progress, which sees goals, and which sees a higher value of mankind. The practical man often tends to be a stupid man. Because he tries to use mechanisms of decision, to decide what is true and what is not. The true man, the real man, is one who’s creating a state of mind, in the population, a state of mind which was greater, more advanced, richer, more enjoyable, than anything before.

Now, there have been periods in the thing, and, sort of, ups and downs, in the history of mankind, where things sometimes have gone up, and more often has come down. And, our concern is, to don’t try to adduce the history as simply a fact, which has occurred by some accident, or some happening. Mankind is, right now, in deadly danger. The very existence of the human species is in a deadly situation.

On the one hand, you have, in Russia, China, and some other areas, as opposed to what you have in the trans-Atlantic community. The trans-Atlantic community, and its relationship with is a disease, it’s a threat to the very existence of the human species, throughout the planet. And, our challenge is, we have to take a fighting position, to make sure that we don’t go the Obama way, or, the Bush way.

And, therefore, we are going to try to get a movement in history, with the aid of Russia, with the aid of China, with the aid of others from that sector, and to use that contact, as a stimulus inside the United States, inside Europe. Because Europe is dying. Europe right now is rotting. Its rotting out. And, there’s no light in sight.

And so, therefore, that’s the situation we have. We have a deadly problem for mankind. All mankind is threatened. Now, mankind has been threatened in that way, in that manner, many times in the course of man’s general history up to this present time. But, what we’re going into now, is a very Dark Age. It’s a Dark Age which is characterized by the British culture. And, that’s the problem.

So, therefore, what is required of us, is to have the power of imagination, like people who have done that before, in earlier periods of history, of Renaissances, and great periods of moment; and, our challenge is to bring forth those kinds of solutions. As, say, from the Renaissance, the Renaissance period, or, what Kepler did, and what Leibniz did, and, what we’re trying to do, otherwise. These things require us to search ourselves to locate those principles and those actions, by which mankind has achieved restoration of humanity, repeatedly. And, therefore, we have to become that force. We have to become that influence. We have to give that inspiration, to people who are demoralized by the conditions of life they experience.

Particularly the case of the trans-Atlantic period. The trans-Atlantic period is now a disaster, with very few exceptions. It’s going to Hell, with very few opportunities of success. And, that’s the problem. We face something, where the imagination of the thinking population — .

Now, just one little thing, I want to put in on that point: Manhattan. If you look, now, with the exception of certain spots, local spots inside the United States, in particular, there’s nothing, there’s nothing waiting for mankind in general, right now, under present conditions. And, therefore, we have to understand this problem, and we can, as we have before, as the Renaissance did, as had been done before the birth of the United States, these kinds of things have happened. But, they don’t happen accidentally. They happen by the influence of people, of certain people, groups of people, who save mankind from Hell, or Hellish existence. And, we’re in such a period, now. And, right now, Russia, China, and other nations of that connection, they are the main means by which we may escape all kinds of Hell, very fast, very soon.

Q: Hi. How are you?

LAROUCHE: I’m not too bad, for an old geezer.

Q: [follow-up] You look great. This is Jessica from Brooklyn, and I’ve been thinking about several questions, or several comments, and I was wondering which one I would bring up today.

Just recently, this past week, a group of us, who are involved in the Manhattan Project, our intention was to go and see Congress people and bring our materials and talk about the urgency of the crisis we are facing and get action, get things rolling, get things done, not just talk any more, but actually demand and challenge them to do something. So, this was Tuesday. We discovered that not only—well, we went to see one Congress person who did have some people in his office, two people. Then, when we were planning to go to the other places, we discovered that these cowardly, jackass Congress people had shut down the office. And we called person after person, office after office, and these offices were shut down. I guess they were having New Year’s Eve early.

So, that was Tuesday. New Years’ Eve wasn’t till Thursday, why is there no one in their office, your constituents may actually need you. So, we were kind of discouraged by that. Except for the fact the people we talked to, these two people, in one office, there was a young lady who was not actually part of the conversation, but she was listening to everything that was going on, she was one of the secretarial staff; and afterwards, when we were standing at the elevator, lamenting over the fact that Congress was a bunch of cowardly jackasses, like I said before, she came out to get coffee, and she had talked to one of our members about music. Her enthusiasm over the fact we talked about the chorus, we talked about what we just did a few weeks ago with our Christmas presentations, and the event that took place at both churches, Saturday and Sunday, all of that came out, and her enthusiasm was overwhelming, it even reached us. We felt much better. And we made that contact, she will, hopefully, be coming to our chorus this Thursday when we start up again, and it reminded me of why we do the music. Then, with the solfege today, it also, again, listening to Bach’s music, reminded me of why we do the music.

We did an article a while ago about the point-and-shoot problems with the video games, where now we see all these shootings taking place, where kids are being killed. In Chicago they want Rahm Emanuel’s resignation (which is actually a good thing), because of all the turmoil going on, with cops shooting without asking questions and all this supposed police brutality.

So, if you could comment on the connection between the music and what we’re trying to do to get the people, not just Congress people, but everyone, to understand the urgency of getting our Glass-Steagall in place and getting rid of Obama, if you could comment on that connection again, I would really appreciate it.

LAROUCHE: Well, you noted, probably, because you’ve been watching this process, that what we’ve accomplished is we had these two choruses, each embracing a population of score of 1,000 people on Saturday and Sunday. Now, at this point, I would say that Manhattan is now the soul of the United States. Because what you’ve seen, by these choruses, the formation of these choruses, and to get people to turn out in numbers of 1,000 between the choral party, and those that are sitting there and enjoying the program, this is something absolutely unique, since a very long time, and it’s unique actually to Brooklyn and to Manhattan.

That in general, you can say, with a few exceptions, like some localities in the West Coast, and it’s with those exceptions, there’s nothing that is not demoralizing about what the people of the United States are experiencing now. And they reflect that. What drives them wild? They have children who are immoral, who are stupid, who are stupefied, who are destroyed, they’re not capable. They are criminal in their proclivities. And this is all over the United States. You have the local cities, and local towns and cities in various parts of the United States. Most of these communities are corrupt. They’re rotten in the sense that they have no capability of defining a perspective which humanity would want.

The one area which is most important for the United States is Manhattan and the immediate surroundings. That’s the chief place of growth in the United States. You have some local spots in California, middle part, mostly our people. One or two people here or there, something like that. But the general population is demoralized and is de-moralized in the literal sense. They’ve given up.

The young people are degenerate, in general, that is, the characteristic is degenerate, they are not responsive to reality. They don’t believe in the truth, and they’re little animals, with bad habits. And that’s what’s done to them. They didn’t do it. But you have a whole generation, which, in this process, and I’ve seen this, I’ve lived through much of this period, and I can tell you the degeneration as I have experienced it directly, throughout the United States and the same thing in Europe. Europe is somewhat a different case, but it’s the same principle. What happened in Canada? The mass deaths in Canada just recently? All of these things show a civilization which is ready to die, or to come close to dying, to extirmination of mankind as we know it.

Now, there have been periods of evil, for example in the Renaissance, the great renaissance. The great Renaissance was followed by, actually, a satanic program run by the Catholic Church. Then there was a fight to get that Satanic group out. And Kepler started something in his own way, under conditions of defeat; he died under conditions of defeat. But then with Leibniz, Leibniz’s influence drove civilization upward. And so, therefore, we depend upon these kinds of patterns, and so we read these patterns, like I read the patterns, and say, "we are going into Hell. This is the direction we are going into."

We have to fight against going into Hell, which is what we are fighting. We have children, young children, throughout the United Sates, and they are adolescents and more, and they’re degenerate. Look at their music. Look at their behavior. Look at the fruit of their behavior. What you’re looking at is the self-destruction of mankind. You’re seeing it in the United States; you’re seeing it throughout Europe. Europe in general is degenerate. The British system, of course, has been a leading influence in that process.

So the thing we have to look at is the fact that we are facing an age of degeneracy. But there have been periods of degeneracy before, like the Renaissance, itself, was a freedom from degeneracy. And therefore, our job is to organize mankind to free itself from periods of degeneracy, and the periods of degeneracy have been recurrent, and unfortunately, numerous. And the different parts of the planet.

Then you have also the other types of problems, problems which are sort of practical interpretation problems. For example, Russia, under the Soviet system. Stalin was a very loyal person for Russia and for Europe. But!, he believed that everybody had to behave the way he wanted them to behave, and he would actually kill people, leading people, or suppress them, imprison them, because they wanted to manage him. He wanted them to obey him. Now what he demanded of Russians for obedience was not all bad. But the practice that he did, in saying, I’m going to kill people, if you don’t do as I tell you, which is what his problem was. And so we’re in such a period where we have to say, we have to build up throughout the system, the system of mankind, and we have sources in China, sources in India again today, Egypt is a positive factor in this thing, and so forth. And Russia is a very important factor in this thing. And Putin has more or less licked the Stalin problem.

So these are the kinds of things. And therefore, the point is, can we, as individuals and groups of individuals, can we influence the process of redemption of mankind by influence, by good contributions, good ideas, good principles? And we’re at a point where we, in Manhattan in particular, Manhattan is the best hope of the United States. Anything outside of Manhattan is not likely to be a very important thing any more. It’s true. It’s not braggadocio, it’s good luck.

We know there are a lot of crooks in Manhattan. They’re abundant, and they’re mostly Wall Street types. And look at the education system. Look at the education system in California. Do you want your child to be educated by the California school systems and universities anymore? It’s degeneracy! And therefore, we have a mission here. Here we are, and what we’ve had in the two cases just recently, Saturday and Sunday, we had about 1,000 people, both singers, performers and audiences, in the respective places, Brooklyn and Manhattan, and we produced an effect, which has not been available to anyone in any significant degree heretofore. So therefore, we have in Manhattan, we have an obligation, a moral obligation to convey the essence of what we have accomplished in Manhattan, through the musical expert things we have been working toward doing, and that’s the hope of mankind. And therefore we’re going to have to say that we’ve got something in Manhattan and its associations which is the secret of the successful future of mankind.

Q. Hi Lyn, it’s M— from Manhattan. And I would like just to add to what you were saying, that I was so fortunate, I was just too nervous a child to go to public school. They recommended I have a psychiatrist, I was what 5 years of age. So my father reneged, he said, okay she can go to Catholic school, and I did, I went to Catholic school. And the most wonderful, extraordinary thing was that I sang. And I was not only singing things like from the Arthur Godfrey show, and we shook our hips at the nuns and say, "Oh!" I was okay with them. We were in the choir. And I just sang my whole life as a child, and through adolescence it got me through so very much.

And what was such a wonderful thing about our experience with the concert, is that I looked out at the audience, and there they were, children. These parents brought their children. They even brought babies. One mom waved to us, as the baby was beginning to fidget and cry a little bit and she had to leave, at the Lexington Avenue church. And it was such a different religious surrounding. And I, of course being a Nichiren Buddhist, I was very much impressed with the fact that each and every one of us is a savior. And what Jesus Christ faced with the ugliness of the Roman Empire, and he couldn’t really—, and his words—we don’t know really what it was that he said, because many, many months later or whatever, his Apostles wrote the words down, but it was a wonderful, wonderful experience.

And the wonderful thing about Manhattan is that we’re crowded and we talk to each other. We talk to each other in the subway, in the wine store, in the Fairway Market, you know. And people are receptive and they all start talking, and I agree with you, and I speak to my friends who are out there in the sticks in these different states, they’re so bland. [laughter] They’re surrounded by woods, whatever. So I like to just add on to that.

One of the things that I was struck by, actually yesterday, coming home from my temple, but I’ll preface it by this. A friend of mine travels all over the world, that’s the job. And asking this person said, "There’s really only one group of people that hate us." "Oh?" "A group of people hate us? Oh, who could they be?" He said, "They’re called Wahhabis." "Wahhabis, what’s that?" "Well, that’s Saudi Arabia. That’s a Wahhabi, and they hate the hell out of Americans." "Oh? Really? Uh-huh." And then coming home from my Buddhist temple yesterday in the car, the driver said, "Oh, yeah, well, you’re talking about Wahhabis. They own and built every mosque." I said, "Wait a minute. You’re going to tell me that these mosques that we have in New York and all over the place were built by the Saudis, who are Wahhabis?" "Yeah, you betcha. Yes, they were."

And then I got thinking about what you had mentioned before—the 28 pages, of course—and that these fellows that slit the throats of the airline stewardesses and took all these flying lessons were actually staying with an FBI informant. So there’s a connection there to the FBI.

In the meantime, what’s just happened in San Bernardino, I’ve heard that these people that had their apartment full of ammunition, this, that, and the next thing, and of course they had just traveled back from maybe Pakistan and Saudi Arabia and the like. And I can only imagine how people feel about us with these drone attacks—200 children dead in Pakistan, 10,000 innocent bystanders. I mean really, if Americans could imagine what that must look like and be like? And all right, and they’ve got this apartment full of ammunition, and they have a lawyer. They have a lawyer who is ready to defend them, or allocations, like why do have all this ammunition? And I said to myself, wait a minute, where is our intelligence service? Why didn’t just come on in there and say, "What the hell is this? Huh?" "You’ll have a lawyer all right, and we are going to take possession of all these arms."

So I thought to myself, what’s going on here? Are we being set up for martial law in this country? And also, I’ve noticed on the internet, not that I’m the maven on the internet—I’m not. But this whole concern about even building FEMA camps. And people that make this processed food, you know, that’s packaged to last for years, they have been petitioned to give them more and more of their product. So it’s very frightening to me that there is a plan afoot, and as someone said to me, "Obama’s just a puppet; there’s this whole group of people surreptitiously, who are controlling the United States." And I thought I would just ask you, what do you think about that?

LAROUCHE: [laughs] I think a great deal about that. I can tell you that much. No, this is all real. It’s fully real. There’s been a process from 9/11 and you can go back to the 9/11 events when these two planes which should have been taken in Boston, captive, and were circling around southern Manhattan, and they were. I was watching this thing, because I was watching the film of the two planes which had been captured with the people in the planes, that is, the passengers in the planes. They were prisoners, and each of them had a dose of people of who became prisoners. They would come around the towers of lower Manhattan, and each time they would crash into the towers. In the process of crashing into the two towers, the two towers collapsed and the people in them and around them died.

Now, then, the Saudis, however, who has set this into motion, under British direction. That’s how it happened. This one of my areas of expertise of knowledge on this stuff. I’ve been working on this thing, and knowing that the British Empire and the Saudis, who are stooges for the British Empire, and the Saudi representatives in the U.S. offices, that is, as representatives from Saudi Arabia and Britain, that the British Empire, the British monarchy and the Saudis committed this mass murder against the people of the United States, especially the small amount of the thing in the military in Washington and largely what was the southern part of there [manhattan].

And so what conclusions must be drawn from this? Well, then go to the next step. The United States Congress suppressed any action against the Saudi action and the British action, and they have continued that to the present day. So therefore, who’s running this? Well, the Bush family was already running it. Obama has been running it.

Obama has been killing people every Tuesday, people who were innocent, who were selected for being murdered by the President, Obama! Now, this is the world we live in. Europe is disintegrating. Western and Central Europe are disintegrating now. How far that will go is uncertain. However the British again are back in the business—the British and the Saudis, and the British and the Saudis are the same thing. The British monarchy and the Saudis are the same thing. Eh? They are Mass murderers? And nothing has been done, much, to correct those problems. The victims of 9/11, the Congress! Huh? The government, have all protected this thing, supported it! And we are supposed to subject ourselves to the opinions of the authorities of people who’ve done that to us in the United States, who done the similar things throughout various parts of the planet? Where is our President? We don’t have a President! We have a piece of filth. Obama. He’s rotten! He’s evil. He’s intrinsically evil, systemically evil. His stepfather was evil.

So these are the kinds of things that we’re up against. Now, if you go back into the history of mankind, you find periods which the Satanic element, which is fairly called the Satanic element, keeps recurring. The great Renaissance—that was suddenly aborted after the end of that particular century, and we went to a period of evil. Kepler, himself, the great Kepler, was under the influence of a great evil that was going on in Europe at that time. Then you got a turn, an upturn. And it happened. Then Leibniz died. Leibniz had been one of the great creators of the Renaissance, the new Renaissance. Then one day he died, and people said, "Well, he’s still going to be alive; how are we going to do whatever get this guy?" And then it was said that Leibniz had died. And when Leibniz had died, then, what became the United States, that is, became a part of the British influence of corruption.

And you look at the number of Presidents we’ve had, the total Presidents, and you find that most of the Presidents of the United States were really rotten. They were evil people, or stupid, or criminal types of people. And that’s the point. And so therefore we have to understand that we have to use our own influence, our own moral standards.

Russia now happens to be a very useful place for us, because what Putin represents. Russia was not always a good place, but Putin has made it a good place, relatively speaking, and we have other parts of Asia, which are on the right side.

You have at the same time, you have people who are demoralized, but who would also agree that what these things were that happened was evil, but they said, "I’m scared; I’m scared." Therefore, my particular concern has always been where does the evil come from, what is it, what’s the problem that makes people scared that they aren’t able to do something for their own selves, for mankind? All these kinds of things, what do we do about it? How do we give them the courage?

And what I’ve seen recently, with what I’ve seen between Saturday and Sunday with the two mass 1,000 things, in Manhattan and Brooklyn, and this has changed everything. You’re talking about the equivalent of 2,000 people from the Manhattan area, essentially, the approximation of the whole thing. And Manhattan is the only place in the United States in which a phenomenon like this could’ve occurred. And therefore my point here is, OK, fine. If Manhattan is going to be the place that re-initiates the United States, well, you have to say, "That’s a pretty good idea, it’s a pretty good job, considering the job." What’s wrong with the rest of the United States, except for a few spotty areas where some people are of a higher grade? The United States is dominated by degenerates! And you have a few people who are the actual heroes, and this has often been the case in history, that a small part of a population becomes a factor of influence which can bring an evil nation, an evil people, out of their evil into doing creative work. And that has been the history of the United States Presidency. We’ve had a few great Presidents. We’ve had many skunks who were Presidents. And therefore you have to take the few who actually represent a leadership factor, a moral factor. You have to bring them together. Assemble them as a force, and let their influence go to work.

Q: Hi, Lyn. Alvin here in New York. Maggie is a tough act to follow, but I’m going to do my best. Our last discussion on the phone, you responded to what I raised by talking about the failure of our citizenry for a long time always to recognize the principle of Congress, and within your comments you stated that we needed to mobilize the population by itself, in a sense, to whatever we can to contribute to make that happen. Now earlier, a few days ago, I was invited to join a phone call on the Manhattan project and the operation of developing and aiming at the Bronx, the Borough of the Bronx, to do work and get Glass-Steagall through, through this process.

Now, the Bronx is strategically significant as it became clearer and clearer to me during the course of this phone call, largely just listened in on. The list of demographics involved, the lengthy list of various state, local and federal officials within that proximity, some of whom have at least marginally supported Glass-Steagall, but have yet to take action. And it was stated that if we actually moved forward, advanced the Manhattan Project, and do our jobs fully, that through this process we can stimulate the masses enough, to get Glass-Steagall through.

So this is the choral principle in action, it seems to me, and things like programs and other things were discussed; I was able to contribute some things along the demographics, but the main thing is, this principle of — well, this idea of what you’re saying of organizing the population by itself, and then, what we’re doing here, they seem to go hand-in-hand, and yet, I’d really like to hear greater elaboration from you on that.

LAROUCHE: Yes, I think it does require that, because it’s not that simple as a simple expression would suggest. No, the problem is, when you get people who have a sense — well, look, everything that’s good about mankind is always based, on the next generation ahead. That’s the principle of mankind. The goodness of mankind comes out of those people who gather, in a sense, to a common sense, that the future is needed. For example, take the case of the United States today, in California. Look at what’s happening in California, the degeneration, the moral degeneration of the youth in California, that is destroying the United States, that kind of thing, that pattern.

Now, this came out of the 20th century, because a change when Bertrand Russell got involved in this thing, and Bertrand Russell’s influence, even after he died, has corrupted the United States, as the trans-Atlantic area as well. You actually have a much better perspective, for mankind in China, possibly in India which is struggling to recover itself, and other locations, special locations; and Russia and China.

So therefore the hope of mankind is located in the composition of these elements, of this region. The general case is on the planet, is that the trans-Atlantic area is the area of great danger. The British Empire is evil; the Saudis are evil, I mean, all the Saudis of the Saudi tribes are evil! They are Satanic, literally Satanic! They kill, they kill en masse, they kill humans en masse throughout Europe and this area! There’s no hope for mankind in this area.

Then you find in Germany, Germany took a certain step toward help for people who were abandoned and driven out of the land, and then you had Schäuble, this official, who’s a killer, a stinking killer! And you look at France, well, I don’t think there’s much in France; there may be some good people in France, but there’s not a France which is going to lead Europe in any way into, into good ends.

So therefore, you’re in this kind of situation. And the danger now is, even though China is making a great contribution, India is trying to recover its possibilities, again; Russia is playing a very leading role, on behalf of mankind; while Spain, Portugal, so forth, and so on, are rotting away. And therefore, the problem comes down to, is there a faction, as in the case of what happened in 9/11: is there a faction of forces, which has the capability, of devoting itself to freeing mankind, of these kinds of evils, of the type I’ve referred to in general?

And my view has been that, my own devotion has always been in that direction, is you have to provide the kind of leadership which sees the future; not the future simply as a phenomenon, but the future as a better condition of mankind, the idea of higher scientific and technological capabilities, the idea of better education; getting people out of the mud. And what we’ve been living through, since I was thrown in the jug, out of the Reagan Presidency, I’ve seen for the main part with a few pieces of exception, I’ve seen a degeneration of the United States as a whole, and of the people of the United States. Why did they degenerate? Because they’re social; and when they get into these social influences in flames, it’s like the guy who wants to marry seven wives, or something like that; this is a very bad idea; it’s also very expensive.

But anyway, the problem is, what we’re looking for, is for leadership of a kind, which can become infectious, which induces people to appreciate the fact that they have access to choices of behavior, which are rewarding, from the standpoint of mankind. It’s like Leibniz in his own time, and people like that. So it’s the great leaders in society who often start in limited numbers of people, but who actually make a contribution in an infectious way, to inspire people, to discover a better way of living. And without that factor, mankind has very poor chances of survival.

The United States, everything the United States has accomplished, despite all the evil people who were President of the United States; most of the Presidents of the United States were evil, in their history! You had a few people, who were exceptional people most of them, as Presidents. And what we got, we got that way: We got Franklin Roosevelt; Franklin Roosevelt was a real genius in that respect: Here he was, a man who was suffering from a terrible disease, and yet he was able to provide leadership to mankind in the United States, at a time that the United States had lost the ability to survive! And then, at a certain point, then the FBI took over. And the FBI destroyed that. But we had some people who were responsible people, who fought against this.

But now we’ve come recently, and while I was a key figure, assigned to the transition to Ronald Reagan. He was not fully functional as a President at that time, and I was one of the two people who was assigned, to get Reagan’s administration into order. And what happened is, they tried to kill him, by a Bush family member, and I was dumped; and since that time, in general, the Presidency of the United States has been for the most part, with one exception, for the most part has been a bad joke

And therefore, my view is, I have a commitment, not to put up with that crap any longer!

Q: Hi, I’m E—N— from Philadelphia, and an activist for the LaRouche organization for years. I give you greetings; we’ve had the Pope in Philadelphia for Family Day 2015, but overlooked in Philadelphia was the 57 public schools closed down! Forty-plus students in the public school area in classes now. The pressure’s put onto these families moving their children around to the schools that are left; nothing has been said about any kind of conditioning of high school students geared for college. And I’m giving you that question now. Mr. LaRouche, what is your...?

LAROUCHE: OK, first of all, what we have is we have a general case of moral and intellectual degeneration, throughout the whole system of the United States. There are individual exceptions to that pattern, but they are a very tiny minority of them. You see, for the education system, in California: California’s education system is really an abomination, because what they’re doing, is they’re in the school system they are destroying the minds of the students! And it becomes like a religion that they’re devoted to.

We have some groups of circles in California, which we work with, and yeah, they understand this thing. But the problem is, is that there’s a need for a coherence, among the people who do recognize that this wrong, that’s going on is wrong, that the education system is wrong, things like that. But the difficulty is to get people have a confidence, in themselves to be able to play a role of leadership which will move the society, move the people in the society, to improve themselves.

And that goes all through the thing. Philadelphia’s a mess; it’s a horrible mess. Everybody who’s there knows what the abuses are. And so that’s the kind of thing we have to consider. And therefore, what we have to do, is what I’m doing and what other people should be doing, is, those of us who understand how to organize society’s behavior, how to get out of these kinds of messes, we have to mobilize ourselves, to be the force that causes the effect desired to occur.

Q: Good afternoon Lyndon. I want to wish you a very happy New Year; we’re very happy to have you in this New Year. And I guess we’re saying good riddance to the last year. But we did some work. The Manhattan Project was built last year and it advanced. So the question is, where are we going to go with it next, and I just wanted to ask you about — well, we need to resurrect the ideas of Hamilton. New York is where he was; he came here, was brought here, because he wanted to develop his mind; maybe he was brought here with the intention of having him play a role. But whatever it was, he had this uncanny creative power and he was able to figure out the natural laws behind the appearances, and maybe he got a good chance to see how the world economy functioned living on the outposts of the Empire.

But the thing is we’ve got to bring the noëtic powers of Hamilton back alive here, now. FDR is the last time we’ve seen anything useful in that direction, maybe. Or, they’ve shot, they’ve killed many of our Presidents, with that idea, and they even killed some who never became President, including Alexander Hamilton, and also Martin Luther King. These are people who qualify to be President, but they were seen as such a threat, they were done away by this immoral slime mold we call the British Empire.

But what we’ve got to do, I think is, of course, it’s the 260th, approximately, anniversary of Alexander Hamilton’s birth; nobody knows exactly what year he was born, but it was about 260 years ago, and I think it’s this week or in the next week or two, so I just wanted to wish Alexander Hamilton a happy birthday, and we want to bring him back.

And maybe you have some suggestions for how to do that, but, what I wanted to say was that, what he did, was to introduce the idea of posterity into the U.S. Constitution; he fought against the principle of slavery, to the death. He died fighting for his principles.

Now we’ve got, Roosevelt tried to resurrect it, by making the Freedom from Want a basic principle of his policy, which is also embedded in the principle of posterity that Hamilton bequeathed to us. So I’m just wondering, what is the best way to bring Hamilton to bear into the present, bring him back in spirit, and there’s some attempts — there’s a play called "Hamilton" which I understand is not very good —


Q: [follow-up] It has bad music. It has some interesting information, but the modality of it is pathetic. But what’re we going to do... it’s really up to us, to figure out a way to bring Hamilton back into our minds and to re-resurrect these ideas. What principles do we need to focus on...?

LAROUCHE: No, we have a solution. It’s actually international. We have various parts of the planet which are sources of inspiration for mankind; they are to be found in Europe, in some parts of Europe it’s better; other parts it’s worse. The difficulties, the suffering, the problems, all these things are there. And what we have now, we have the sense of leadership. We lost the sense of leadership in the United States, at least so far recently; we’ve lost it. And we’ve lost it because of the Bushes, and Obama. Not just them, because they’re only the agents, of the forces which did it. Then, at the same time, we have a Congress which is half-witted, or one-quarter-witted. And so therefore, we have to stage a fight, we have to inject a kind of influence in this social process, to get some more people to do what they should.

I can tell you, from the experience we just had on the two sessions, the musical events, that that is the kind of thing, which expresses the kind of thing we needed to do! Those two sessions, on Saturday and Sunday, were the most blessed thing, that have happened to the United States in recent history: Imagine about 1,000 people, children, the performers and so forth, all functioning! And this was a center of force, and it still is a force, from around Manhattan: It’s a force which can resuscitate the United States. And it’s located essentially in Manhattan. The effect of it can be spread, by influence, and should be. We have to mobilize the people of the United States, who represent that movement, which is now an established movement; it was an electrifying act! I mean, those two performances, Saturday and Sunday, those two things were an inspiration for mankind, first of all in Manhattan, and then for mankind.

And it’s things like that which you have to seize upon, because these become the infectious elements which you need, to create forces that spread; whereas most other parts of the United States, there either is no development whatsoever, there’s only backwardness, or there’s fear.

And therefore, this — I mean, for me, this is what you have to do. We have one possibility; we have one possibility, in Manhattan, in the United States, that’s the center. Manhattan as reflected in what happened in those two performances, that is the model. Now you’ve got to take that, use that as a source of influence and try to spread it, first of all in that area, to consolidate this, and then to spread it. That’s our best shot.

Q: Happy New Years, Lyndon. K—W— from Brooklyn. I’ve been doing an online radio show for three years in April: Dennis has been on it; Daniel has been on it; most recently, Paul Gallagher from LaRouche PAC’s been on it, and also I interviewed Yanis Varoufakis, former finance minister of Greece, because more and more people have been saying, as of late, what I saw and felt. And you know, we’re trying to tell people, back in the ’70s, you know, I hear you talking a lot about the youth are degenerated, and I basically saw and felt and was saying that in the early ’70s, the breakdown of the family system.

I just wanted to mention, also recently what’s been coming out about Exxon, and these other companies who knew about climate change and then were using their funding to quiet and deny their own science; and I feel like that’s an epidemic, really, in our science, just being unhealthy and denying what’s healthy and fit; and even the family system is doing the exact opposite of what is healthy and fit to their own children.

LAROUCHE: Yeah. Yeah, that is absolutely true, and it has to be changed. It has to be changed. If we get people doing it, if we can get them to participate and agree to do that, that will help. And if you can spread it still further, that will help. This is not impossible; but there are very few people who are good prophets, shall we say; they’re not very efficient at being prophets and therefore they don’t succeed where they might have been able to succeed, because they were not developed.

You have lots of people who have an impulse toward good ideas, but they’re not capable to deal with them effectively. And therefore, they don’t win the effect which is necessary. And it’s not a hopeless for all issue; it’s a question, can we influence people to become decent people and become good people? And that takes some work sometimes. But if you wander around demoralized because you don’t get your own way the way you think you should get your own way, that demoralization itself will make you destructive, a destructive force; because you are not responding to the potential, that you might be able to exert an influence which will inspire people to discover, in themselves, something which makes them more worthwhile as people.

People who love other people, who care about other people, people who care about other families, who care about the effects of life, who worry about the sick, who worry about these kinds of problems, and that kind of inspiration, the idea of making a contribution, which will make the society’s circumstances better, — that’s what it all starts with. And if you lose that, if you become disheartened and you’re not willing to try to help, well you may not be able to succeed with some people; But, you can find other people, who will be responsive. And those people who will be responsive, become the germ of actually creating the effects we need.

I mean, this thing that happened between Saturday and Sunday in the choruses, this changed the course of everything! It changed it! It worked! Now, the problem is, we’ve got to extend that, what was accomplished by those two concerts, those two sessions, we’ve got to extend that principle, and work from Manhattan and its surroundings, we’ve got to use that and spread it! And get more of that thing. I mean, to get the equivalent of 1,000 into a singing service like that, that is something significant. And when you get two cases like that, there’s nothing in the United States, in any part of the United States, except some kind of little boolah-boolah, or some baseball or basketball nonsense, that can attract that number of people. And when you get children, accomplished performers and an aggregate of 1,000 people in one place, and 1,000 people in another place, the same, back to back, you cannot possibly assume that everything is desperate. Which means that you’ve got to get your handle on the things that are not the causes of desperation.

Q: [follow-up] I just wanted to say one more thing. That people talk a lot about income equality and wealth and the "wealth gap" and how the 0.1% owns whatever — 42, or whatever the percentage of wealth than the bottom 90% of the people. But what I don’t understand is, why do people measure wealth, and I feel like as long as we’re going to measure wealth by something that man just kind of makes up out of thin air in a Petri dish, we’re never going to fix life’s problems. Like real wealth should be measured by morality and what comes from nature and natural law, and not some fake thing that man creates out of nothing. Which is actually more representative of death than actual wealth, so. I think —

LAROUCHE: Well, my reaction to that, is, I know that we have an accelerating rate, of total collapse of the economy and possibilities of life, among people in the United States. There is no prosperity. There is only degeneration.

Because, you know, how do you get prosperity? Well, you have to get the human beings to develop practices which will create the prosperity? You don’t get prosperity by stealing something. Some people think that; but they’re only stealing from somebody else, and they’re spreading the poverty, one way or the other, indirectly.

No, the problem is just exactly that: There is no great wealth. There may be people who are called "wealthy," but I can tell you that every person who is wealthy in the Wall Street’s sense, is hopelessly bankrupt, right now! And totally bankrupt right now! So that’s not something you have to worry about. You have to worry about the other side: how do you get these guys out there, quick! Before more damage is done.

And therefore, what you’re doing, the rate of death, the rate of degeneration and the approach to death through degeneration, among the people in the United States, look, for example, people who are poorly employed, who used to have jobs that meant something, those jobs have now become deteriorated. They’re marginal; they’re degenerate; they’re being thrown out, of everything. They’re dying! So there is nothing good, in the system the way it’s working now.

And the fact that you have something, like these two 1,000 people attendance on these Saturday and Sunday, this should inspire people by understanding what the lesson is that that represents. And that should be your source of confidence.

Tech Assistant: It’s a proof of principle.

LAROUCHE: Yeah, yeah. That’s it exactly.

And so, the point is, we should not be discouraged, we should be angry, but not discouraged. Angry because of what is not done, or angry which is wrong and should not have been done. And what we want to do, is assemble people, to assemble among themselves as a team, and the best success we have in this thing is in Manhattan, in the Manhattan area. It’s the greatest success story we’ve had, recently. And what we have to do, is understand what that means, and then know how to interpret it. Then we become the prophets, of progress.

Q: Good afternoon Mr. LaRouche: It’s P— from Connecticut — the only one. I put this together kind of rough. Our town representatives and a ranking Senator of the state of Connecticut have been sending us updates of how bad and out of control our government of Connecticut is; and how frustrated and disgusted and how helpless because they have no voice. Whatever they do to help us, is not heard..

So I came up with this: I wrote ’em a letter, all the representatives of our town and the Senator, and I said: "You need to tell the people the truth. We are in a catastrophical financial collapse, make no mistake, and this will be followed by thermonuclear war annihilation." I said, "Please, write to the people and explain, there is a viable solution to stop this, FDR’s Banking Act of 1933, Glass-Steagall. Tell them to email, call, the three elected officials in the state capitol and demand that they support and sign on to H.R.381 and S.1709. It’s your commitment to the people to protect and to get them into the fight. Let’s cross the Delaware now." [LaRouche laughs]

I did get a response. So I will work with them, and get all the constituents of Connecticut onboard. And we will hit them with a vast population of demands. Actually, we could just go up there and just remove them; that would... [laughter]

LAROUCHE: Let me say: Look at the case of George Washington crossing the Delaware. Now, what was he doing? He made a strategic decision, on which the very continued existence of the United States depended. He got it on the most inclement area you could imagine, the worst weather conditions you could imagine. And he got the troops to mobilize, despite all of these conditions, to cross the Delaware, against the British forces which were having a celebration out there, on the assumption that Washington would never interfere, with the Delaware passage.

So what happened is, Washington did it! And before anyone knew anything about it, the rest of them were trying to celebrate, they were half-drunk and this sort of thing, and they were all rounded up and shoveled off!

Now, that thing is important; Washington did that, it was a very risky thing for him to do, but he acted on the basis of reason, because understood that the mentality of the soldiers, the British forces, were such that they had a way of behaving, they didn’t understand Washington. Now, Washington had been a director in terms of enemy wars and so forth, in the Indian wars, and so he was quite experienced with this kind of thing.

You remember the case, where the Indians were about to sabotage and kill all these soldiers, and he knew what to do. Now, the fact that George Washington solved the problem, meant that he had a strategic capability that was more potent than these guys across the Delaware could ever had imagined. On the basis of that happened, was the victory of the founding of the United States; without that there would have been no founding of the United States. The disaster would have been total.

So therefore, at this time, you’re talking about what you talked about as a factor, an option, and what you have to do is make that option work. It means you have to get some more support for it, to make sure it’s going to be installed.

Q: [follow-up] We’ll do that. And I thank you for bringing us on the shore of the Delaware. [laughter]

LAROUCHE: Thank you!

Q: Hi, Mr. LaRouche, this is E—B— from the Bronx.

LAROUCHE: I met you some place!

Q: [follow-up] I’d like to ask you, among all the candidates that are running now for President, from the Democrats and the Republicans, is there any one candidate that you think would make a good President? And even if you think that one of them would make a good President, the great President, would you say that you would have to give him or her a chance to see what they do, what he or she does, when he or she is in office, if he or she is elected to the Presidency. That’s my question. Or, are all of them not meeting your standards of what should be done?

LAROUCHE: What I think right now, under present conditions and the present trends, there is no possibility of a successful creation of a decent Presidency in the United States.

Now, the question is, how do we react to that then, that being the case? Well, I always, in trying to do things like that, but I don’t stick any one thing; because I know that the future is not pre-fixed. The future is an effective force but it’s not fixed. You see that, for example, the Russian case which we’ve been looking over again recently, our team is. And yeah, the option is there, but you haven’t won anything yet, and there’s no sign that you’re going to win an election for him or for anyone else at this time, unless you can introduce a factor which is not yet known. And it has to be an effective one.

Now, my specialty is to always look at that problem. I never assume, that there’s any one fixed position, that will actually do the job. What you have to do, is you have to think ahead, into the future. You have to foresee what the rest of mankind cannot see, something from the future, and that’s what I concentrate on. I know that the present is never the future.

But people think about being practical. They say "experience teaches us. And I say, "experience is bunk. It’s only bad news, it’s bunk." And therefore, unless a people can organize a population, to discover a solution which has not heretofore been known, been known to man, most of the time, you will be defeated. And therefore, you have to always think of the future, in active terms, not in what might be the case; you have to actually have a grip, a solid grip. And what gets me often upset about my own organization and what happens, is they don’t grasp that! If you don’t know the future, don’t try to run the organization! You have to go beyond that. And this thing, you know, in military affairs and so forth, is always the same thing: If you don’t have a grip on the future, you will either lose the war, or the guy who had the ability to win the war will have been a damned fool, will fail.

In other words, what mankind must do, the future! Washington presented himself on the basis of the future. If you don’t know what the future brings, you don’t have any way of accomplishing anything about the future. My whole experience in life, has been always, I know, that the only thing that works, is the future. It has to be the real future.

And the problem I have with my own organization is that. When I went to the jug, they lost that ability to see the future. They wanted to be practical! What do people say, "we’ve got to be practical." I say, "You’re an idiot! You shouldn’t be doing anything. If you think you’re practical, you should be fired, or sent into some comfortable place where you won’t be bothered very much. Because you’re not going to create any progress, not real progress. People talk about progress, but what’s the usual result of progress, as promoted? Failure! Claims to have success, are usually failures.

So the question is, it’s known in military terms and other terms also in this thing: If you don’t know the future, and the future is not the right choice, you ain’t a leader, or you shouldn’t be! And my problem is, I have people who don’t like what I do, because I want the future! I don’t want some cheap imitation, of a past disguised as the future. I don’t want past affairs; that I don’t want. I want a future. I want a creative future, and I want to be a workable future, a necessary future.

But most people don’t know that. They say, "you want to be successful; well, if you do this and you do this and you do this, these patterns, you will be successful." I say, "you will not be successful! You’ll be a failure! Probably a disaster." And the trouble is, you’ve got to foresee the nature of mankind.

Mankind is a future creature! Mankind is not an animal! Human beings are not animals, human beings are — a person’s identity, who discover things, like principles, Einstein for example. Who discover principles which mankind has not really understood beforehand. These are fresh ideas. Principles, are fresh ideas. And it’s only a person with fresh ideas, of that nature, like George Washington’s practices, and Alexander Hamilton’s practices, for example, as examples: that’s what makes success.

If you’re trying to imitate something, if you’re trying to adduce from experience, something, you’re never going to create the future. And what we’re dealing with now, we have to accomplish the future! China is creating a future; Russia is creating a future, hmm? It’s actually being created, a real future. In Europe? There’s nothing, otherwise, hopeless.!

If you cannot create the future, you ain’t human, or you haven’t achieved it. And that’s what the point is. And the point of these kinds of discussions, is to evoke, a conception of a workable idea, of the future. And what you can do, you can have good sentiments, and good views, and those are elements, which are the ground of creating discovery. But that’s what it is. Don’t you realize that the United States, has been an historic, failure, mostly since Franklin Roosevelt was thrown out of office, by the FBI. The FBI threw him out of office. Then he died later. But the consequence was, a destruction. And we have had almost no successful President in the United States, who lived very long.

If you cannot create the future, you cannot solve these kinds of problems. And my dedication is precisely, I don’t like to get involved with anything, which I believe is not the future. You have to create the future! And that’s the meaning of mankind.

Unfortunately, in educational institutions today, unlike Einstein, Einstein did see the future; most of the so-called deductionist scientists did not. They failed. But you’ve got to have — when I look at Manhattan, look, these two events on Saturday and Sunday in sequence, on the music, do you realize that that is the kind of thing, which seems in one sense to be an old thing, an old idea; but if you look at it carefully, it’s a creation process. It’s bring into play, an idea, which mankind thought mankind had lost; but mankind then discovered, a suspicion, — only a good suspicion, — that there was a future behind that pair of events. But it was only a good idea, only a promise. You have to make it real.

No, you don’t get things by this idea of lucky this, lucky that, lucky this; even good ideas. You’ve got to get something beyond that: A creative force, and this is a military question; it’s also other kinds of questions. But, frankly, I have no confidence in popular opinion, none at all. Why? Because it’s popular. What we need is the future, the future of mankind, the progress of mankind; the kind of progress that mankind has never known before. Hmm? And under these kinds of conditions, in which the whole culture of the trans-Atlantic period, is collapsing! Disintegrating! The crucial thing is how do we get ourselves, into insight into what is the future.

Now, I think the case of O’Malley, O’Malley is probably the only one Presidential prospect, who I know now, who might just be competent to become a President. I’m not sure he’s going to be able to do that; but I think it’s that kind of outlook, because the all the other candidates I know for President or similar kinds of positions, are failures; most of them are failures! I know they’re disasters from the beginning!

And what’s important in life is to be able to create the future, like Einstein.

Q: [follow-up] Thank you, Mr. LaRouche. Now I understand. I get what you mean. But you said there may be one candidate that could be a good President, and you mentioned O’Malley.

LAROUCHE: I tell you: The others all have such serious defects, all the others I know have such serious defects, I don’t want them in the territory! [laughter] We’re looking for what O’Malley might be able to do.

SPEED: We’re going to take one final question, Lyn.

Q: Hi Lyndon, it’s K— from the Bronx. I was picking up some reading material very, very recently that came from Walter Russell, who wrote in the 1950s; and he wanted to raise the culture and the mentality of mankind, and he made reference to New York City. He said, that of the 8 million people in New York City there were 7,000 who wanted the silences of nature and sought the beauties of music. Of the other 8 million wanted the noise and the jazz. I just thought you would find that interesting.

What I wanted to speak about was, Spain has recently had their elections, which confirm that southern Europe is going through a political earthquake. The tremors first destroyed the mainstream parties in Greece; this autumn Portugal was plunged into unprecedented political turmoil; now Spain. Italy sits on the brink of a major banking crisis. The voters of southern Europe in open revolt against Germany, imposing austerity. Can the EU survive 2016? Across Europe upstart parties are breathing down the necks of their established rivals.

How do you see the future of Europe and the relationships with Germany?

LAROUCHE: Well, everything is in jeopardy in the trans-Atlantic period as far I’m concerned. Egypt is interesting. They’re a successful society. But in general is a leading agency; Russia, presently, is a leading agency; Spain and Portugal of course are disasters, and there’s no hope. France is a disaster from my standpoint; there’s some elements, but the overall characteristic of the government of France, is the government morally, is not capable of doing their duty. There are people in France, if we remove some of the governing people, you could probably get a government, which might be functional. But as long as you have the variety of governments, of Presidencies and so forth that we have in France today, you have to look back at the history between what happened earlier, in history, and you have to look at the fact, that France is largely corrupted.

Now, I’ve known some people in France, among others, who were important people. But they weren’t able to sustain the fight; Charles de Gaulle himself, was bounced out; and the old crowd campaign back in again. We had a friend of mine who was running as a candidate for some years, repeatedly, but he was always bounced out.

So therefore, you’re in the kind of situation, France is useless, so far. It would be a miracle, if France had any product at this point.

Greece is being destroyed; it’s being crushed. The nations in that territory are being ruined! And if you want to get good fun, you have to work with the desperation — think in terms of Russia. Russia, today, is a positive institution; China’s a positive institution. There are other nations in Asia which are positive institutions.

But the trans-Atlantic period? There is no stability, no secured stability, in any place in the trans-Atlantic community. It’s finished, in its present form, unless an intervention comes from China and Russia, and India and so forth. Then the whole planet might come back.

The problem essentially is, the rot is the British Empire. And the British Empire is a product of the Satanic evil which crushed the Renaissance. Then all the things that have happened, in terms of positive development, have suffered in totality, from the kinds of omissions which have been lacking in these matters.

I’m not a pessimist, but I know that there is no good security, unless, you can create a future, a true future. Not a projection of the present, but something which has never been done before, by anyone. And that’s the only way you can solve this problem. And that’s what I’m devoted to.

That’s why I despise practical people! Why? Because I know they’re not useful. They’re doing the same old, same old thing; they’re coming up with a new version of the same old, same old, the old, dirty underwear, you know? And I don’t think that’s a very productive product.

But the point is, I think that we can, if we assemble ourselves, as people, and look into what is the actual future of mankind, the idea that there is a future! We used to understand that. But then, when Bertrand Russell got into power in the beginning of the 20th century, then the idea of progress was crushed! And has been crushed and corrupted ever since. And what we are getting, you’re getting, you know, what you have in Manhattan and that’s a miracle. And I think that miracle is one source of hope for mankind.

What we did, in those two performances, what we did on Saturday and Sunday, what we did. That is an example of what could be the future. And I’m optimistic about. That I’m optimistic about. The other stuff, I would warn people against.

SPEED: So we’re at the end Lyn, and we’re followed your advice: we are going to omit any other questions, especially enunciated by myself. You’ve already said several times what you think about Manhattan. I don’t know if you have anything in summary, but I will say one thing about the music, is that we’re getting all sorts of responses; we have an Italian choral director who wants to engage our chorus on a project to learn Va Pensiero, the way she says it should be done; because it’s a prayer of slaves, and it’s a prayer of revolution.


SPEED: So in any case, we’re getting some interest from the people who know the art, and I think it’s going to be interesting. I think you’ll be seeing some of them here, actually, perhaps next week, or the following week. But I’d like to ask if you have anything other than what you’ve already said, in summary, that you’d like to convey to us?

LAROUCHE: I’d like to see your voice in better condition! [laughter] And you better do something about that, quickly!

SPEED: [laughs] All right, since you have no intention of behaving, [laughter] we’ll conclude the session today, by thanking you for starting us off the New Year in the right way!

LAROUCHE: OK, have fun!