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- Trump Is Going for Game-changing Solutions; -
- Trade War Does Not Lead to Solutions -

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EIRNS — President Donald Trump’s insistence on a personal summit with Russian President Putin looks stronger than ever, with the welcome breakdown of the most violent opponent of that summit — and the center of geopolitical war schemes — the British government. Russian-American collaboration is central to the possible end to 25 years’ perpetual "regime-change" wars and terrorism, allowing, then, the possibility of economic development spreading across South Asia and North Africa. Better, a four-power collaboration of America, Russia, India, and China can provide a new, non-geopolitical strategic framework for peace. Lyndon LaRouche showed already more than two decades ago that there is no reason for the existence of NATO, and that this four-power collaboration is the new basis for security and peace.

President Trump, as candidate and President, has pursued changing the entire geopolitical game in order to go for peace on the Korean Peninsula, in Syria, Afghanistan, and elsewhere. To do it, he has fought the British and U.S. intelligence agencies’ drive to "Russiagate" and impeach him out of office to a standstill, with the critical aid of EIR’s and LPAC’s devastating exposes of Robert Mueller’s "legal assassination" operation.

But the name of peace, ultimately, is economic development. Trade war with China does not lead to such solutions as Trump is seeking for the United States. What does lead to those solutions — including solutions to unprecedented migration flows? The anwer is cooperation among the major powers on the most important great projects of new infrastructure to support new levels of productivity and economic growth, worldwide. It has been initiated and is being carried forward by China’s Belt and Road Initiative, or "New Silk Road," and by the Schiller Institute.

The Institute’s June 29-30 conference "On the Urgent Need for a New Paradigm in International Relations" set the standard. It presented the plans and the political leadership for the redevelopment of Southwest Asia and Africa through collaboration of the Atlantic powers with China, which has become Africa’s recognized champion.

Just as pursuing this new paradigm in Europe requires rejecting London and "the City," pursuing it in Trump’s United States means breaking up Wall Street’s megabanks before they crash again; establishing a national institution to issue tremendous amounts of infrastructure credit for this great-power economic collaboration; not counting on private enterprise to do what only great nations can do in science and in space. It’s the hard way, but it’s what leads to the solutions we need to campaign for.