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Class 3: What Creates an Economic Orbit?

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WHEN: Dec 21, 2:00PM
SPEAKERS: Jason Ross and Phil Rubinstein

From the 1930s through the 1960s, the United States had a period of incredible economic growth. From the 1960s to the 1990s, that physical economic growth slowed and was replaced with financial growth. Today, while enormous efforts are put into maintaining the financial system, the physical economy is nearly an afterthought.

How did we get here? And is this problem temporary or systemic?

In this class, we continue our journey with the first modern scientist — astronomer Johannes Kepler — as he throws away the ineffective crutches of mathematical modeling to step boldly into the unknown world of physical cause. From his physical principles, he arrives at the motion of the planets, based on the powerful concept of the infinitesimal. We will compare Kepler’s revolutionary discovery with LaRouche’s understanding of economic cycles, returning to LaRouche’s criticism of the Nordhaus paper discussed in the first class.

Class 2: ’Whaddaya Know?’ Kepler and the Limits of Mathematics

Class 1: Register: Reanimating an Actual Economy