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Schiller Institute Webcast
Emergency Summit More Urgent than Ever to Address Impact of Coronavirus, Financial Collapse & War

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SI—As the Coronavirus (COVID-19) spreads to Europe, the West is anticipating the economic impact of further contagion, and makes Helga’s call for an emergency summit between the world’s super powers more important than ever. If we are going to successfully handle what could become a serious global crisis, we aren’t going to do it with the failed economic policies which have destroyed national supply chains, and nutritional/agricultural capacities of most nations, selling them out to the highest bidder on Wall Street. It’s time for LaRouche’s solutions.

Helga addresses the African locust plague from the same perspective, underscoring the moral imperative of the West, who have first world capabilities, to help the African countries struggling to contain the locusts.

See EIROnline:
Only a Cultural Renaissance Can Overcome the Crisis of the West
by Helga Zepp-LaRouche