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Webcast: A Unique Opportunity to Participate in Creating a Necessary, New Paradigm

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SI—In reviewing the global strategic situation today, Schiller Institute leader Helga Zepp LaRouche spoke of the significance of more voices speaking out, echoing her warning of the danger of a nuclear war being provoked by the geopolitical maneuvers by the TransAtlantic establishment. Even Henry Kissinger, long a spokesman for this faction, warned that this is different, and more dangerous, than the threats of nuclear war during the period of the Cold War. Zepp LaRouche said the erosion of trust and the lack of back channels, combined with new weapon capabilities, makes this an extremely perilous moment. She highlighted the widespread use of sanctions, which are illegal under international law in the way they are being applied, as an example of why diplomacy and dialogue must replace unilateralism in international relations.

This will be the general topic of the first panel of the Schiller Institute conference on May 8. The second panel will take up the urgent necessity of addressing the COVID pandemic through a commitment to create a modern health system in every nation — this can occur only by rejecting the present paradigm, defined by neo-liberal economics and imperial geopolitics, and reasserting international law, which begins with the primacy of cooperation for development among sovereign states. This approach is being developed by the Committee on the Coincidence of Opposites.

She concluded by reflecting on the recent Schiller conferences, which were unique in that the principle of statecraft guiding the discussions is based on the concept of Schiller, that the dialogue begins by addressing the better part of human beings; and operating from the standpoint of “truth seeking…through Socratic dialogue.” She urged all the viewers to register for the conference, and participate in the building of the New Paradigm.