Big Six Canadian Banks All Got in Line Behind Mark Carney-Led Net Zero Banking Alliance, but Resistance Is Growing
18 October 2021
EIRNS —The Bank of Montreal, Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce, National Bank of Canada, Royal Bank of Canada, Bank of Nova Scotia and TD Bank on October 15, with 16 days to go before the COP26, joined the NZBA which is the banking unit part of the troika of financial institutions under the chairmanship of Mark Carney’s Glasgow Financial Alliance for Net Zero (GFANZ). Prince Charles’ Sustainable Markets Initiative’s Financial Services Taskforce (SFTF) co-launched the Net-Zero Banking Alliance. Here is Carney’s short April 21 statement heaping praise on Charles’ leadership for his role in the NZBA: “This is the breakthrough in mainstreaming climate finance the world needs. I welcome the leadership of the SMI Financial Services Task Force [ed. founded by Prince Charles] and other global banks for their new commitments to net zero and for joining forces with GFANZ, the gold standard for net zero commitments in the financial sector. Most fundamentally, GFANZ will act as the strategic forum to ensure the financial system works together to broaden, deepen, and accelerate the transition to a net zero economy.” The second troika member in Carney’s GFANZ is composed mostly of insurance and reinsurance firms: UN-convened Net-Zero Asset Owner Alliance. The third leg represents the so-called asset manager firms like Carney’s own Brookfield or Larry Fink’s BlackRock: Net Zero Asset Managers Initiative. A clarion call was issued Oct. 11 by Helga Zepp-LaRouche, founder and president of the Schiller Institute, and Dr. Guus Berkhout, initiator and co-founder of Climate Intelligence (CLINTEL), an association of global scientists who refute the fake science on climate change: the call aims to defeat the worldview of the Prince of Wales, Mark Carney and their oligarchical ilk who would de-industrialize the economy and bring about a vast genocide under the pretext of a “climate emergency.” CLINTEL/Schiller Institute A Wake-Up Call: The Danger for Mankind Is Not the Climate, but Toleration of a Devious Policy that Uses Climate To Destroy Us! Heads of state are presently taking a strong stance against COP26, most notably President Xi Jinping and President Vladimir Putin, and others. Such growing opposition by countries will be a determining factor. In Canada, there have been some interesting jabs directed against important Malthusians by politicians: 1. Canadian MP Pierre Poilievre took off the gloves against Carney when the central banker testified in a Parliamentary Commission in Ottawa: Pierre Poilievre vs Mark Carney: A heated exchange on pipelines and Pierre Poilievre - BREAKING: Carney won’t say if he registered to lobby Liberal ministers. 2. Also Alberta Premier Jason Kenney talks about the Great Reset. [GG] |