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Canada: ’From Sea to Sea to Sea’

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Eight nations in the world are said to be “Arctic nations”: The United States, Canada, Greenland, Iceland, Norway, Sweden, Finland, and Russia. And while Russia, Greenland and Canada have the largest territory lying above the Arctic Circle, Canada remains the country with the poorest record of development [*] of its Arctic region among the eight Member States of the Arctic Council, the high-level intergovernmental circumpolar forum.
That situation is about to change dramatically. Canada will soon be afforded an opportunity to build a “true North strong and free” which would entail the actualization of the immense development potentials of the Middle, High and Far North regions of Canada for the mutual benefit of all Canadians and humanity as a whole.

A determining factor that will be affecting the rapid growth of Canada’s northern regions is the strategic agreement reached last month between Russia and China to massively develop the Far East region of Russia [1]: Infrastructure building, railroad development, including the construction of the strategic Bering Strait Tunnel [2], resource development, city building and research & development centers, most notably the future Russian Space Cosmodrome to be built at Vostochny, etc.

Canada, who shares with only one other country (the United States) the distinction of being a country bordered by three oceans that wash substantial parts of its shores, is uniquely positioned to benefit from these exciting Asia-Pacific developments and to become an Arctic power in its own right.

The trans-Atlantic economy is a fast sinking Titanic

The combined disasters of the so-called “Euro crisis” [3] and the present meltdown of the financial oligarchy’s casino economy have transformed the trans-Atlantic world into a fast sinking ship. The captain of this economic Titanic is the narcissist-in-chief at the White House who’s mental state precludes him steering the ship of state out of harm’s way; the ship’s officers and stewards are disarrayed Europeans involved in various meetings but who are unable, in the short time that is available to them to reach an agreement, to save their passengers by making good use of the Glass-Steagall lifeboats.

Therefore, the only policy that will insure survival requires, firstly, to effectively and safely remove Obama from any real position of decision making, and, secondly, to put in place in Washington a Glass-Steagall law similar in intent and effect to Roosevelt’s 1933 piece of legislation [4]. This would erect a firewall between commercial banks and investment banks, remove all the toxic waste from the banking system, and protect citizen’s deposits. A Hamiltonian productive credit system will then have to be enacted by the United States Congress because once we eliminate the toxic waste from the banks’ holdings, there will not be any real value of significance remaining in those banks. This new Hamiltonian credit will be used as a life line to restore, maintain, and increase services and infrastructures in the cities and states across America.

The next complementary urgent step will be to extend, by treaty agreement, that unique United States constitutional credit system to other nations interested in joint large scale infrastructure projects. This Hamiltonian credit system approach, and not a monetarist system controlled by the ‘City’ and Wall Street, would now become the essential determinant of the way science-driven large scale infrastructure projects would be applied internationally.

NAWAPA, the Alaska-Canada Railway and the Bering Strait Tunnel

The launching of a world wide economic recovery program requires that an Obama-free United States join the above mentioned recent Russia-China agreements and consolidate a new three powers Trans-Pacific Alliance [5] for development that would act as the economic locomotive for the rest of the world. India would immediately join this new Alliance, to be followed soon by South Korea and Japan.

Canada would not hesitate for long in joining this new Alliance. The new Pacific orientation would make possible the launching of two North American “projects of the century”, both requiring the agreement and the participation of Canada: The North American Water and Power Alliance (NAWAPA) [6] and the Alaska-Canada Railway (Al-Can) [7].

The scale of the NAWAPA project dwarfs all preceding engineering accomplishments in human history: A one generation endeavour requiring a workforce of 6 million people in 3 countries, NAWAPA would bring 22 million acre feet of new water per year to Canada in order to meet agricultural needs, for flood control, to clean up the Great Lakes system and provide a sizable increase in available hydro-electric power. NAWAPA would generate 38 additional megawatts of hydropower per year in Canada alone.

It is also estimated that ‘with a restored, non-crisis-management approach to the hydrological cycle, breakthroughs would be made in the biospheric engineering of climate, plant life, ground water, and soils.’

Even more importantly, NAWAPA as a very large scale science-driven biospheric engineering endeavour would rekindle a sense of scientific and technological optimism world wide similar to the effect that the Apollo mission produced on the world population in the 1960’s.

Manned-space flight and the coming Age of Reason

Such a science-driven great project becomes even more fascinating when we factor in the revival of NASA’s manned-space flight programs in cooperation with its partners in the Trans-Pacific Alliance. This would represent a unique opportunity for expanding Canada’s Space Agency and building upon our already close working relationship with NASA.

Man’s successful future exploration and colonization of other planets of our solar system and beyond would represent a clear victory for Promethean Man over the oligarchy in the millennial struggle to free mankind from a slave-like dependency on his five original senses. A transformative achievement under which mankind is now able to contemplate the Cosmos itself as its’ new horizon and future domain.

Gilles Gervais


[*] 2 million people live above the Arctic Circle, 60% in Russia. North America’s (including Greenland) portion is only 3%. Murmansk (Russia) has a population of 325,100. Tromso (Norway) has a population of 62,000. Iqaluit (Nunavut) has a population of 6,186.